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Need advice on the best way to set up some gear for usefulness and usability

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KM6SLF's picture
Need advice on the best way to set up some gear for usefulness and usability
Hi everyone, thanks in advance for looking over my equipment stash and letting me know how to best arrange it for usefulness and usability. I'm in North San Clemente, and I don't think I can make an RF connection to the mesh due to the geography. I'm working with the city to try and get some equipment set up at city controlled water towers though, so hopefully good RF connections will be possible soon. For now, I'm tunneled in. I have the following mesh radios, microcomputers and antennas that I want to use at home to provide mesh services and a local area where other nodes can set up and make an RF convention: A dual polarity 2.4 GHz omni antenna and 2 rocket M2s to pair with it A Mikrotic hAP A 4 port PoE switch 1 Raspberry Pi 4 running Citadel 1 Raspberry Pi 4 running Nextcloud w/240GB external SSD attached 1 Wandboard Dual (service TBD) 1 Raspberry Pi 2B (service TBD) I need to provide an internet connection to the hAP. I think I want to put it in my attic and connect the Raspberry Pis to it over 5ghz WiFi. I would then use the 2.4 GHz radio to connect to the Rocket M2s. The Rocket M2s would be powered by the PoE switch, and the hAP and computers by a power strip. Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance!
K6CCC's picture
A dual polarity 2.4 GHz omni

A dual polarity 2.4 GHz omni antenna and 2 rocket M2s to pair with it

I'm not sure I understand that part.  How are you maiting two M2 rockets to the one antenna?

Unless you are on top of the one bump in the middle of town, ditch the omni.  Since you said you are in North San Clemente, you may do far better with a sector antenna for allowing other stations to connect via your station.  If you are trying to link to something else (like what the city puts up), a dish would likely be better..  I would probably not want to put the hAP in the attic, and if it were me, I would use wired connections for the other fixed items - but that's just me.  The rest is fairly reasonable.
KM6SLF's picture
The omni is one of these, or
The omni is one of these, or something just like it.
I think it's a larger, discontinued model with slightly higher gain.

I've modeled different antenna options and based on where I am, I don't think I can make an RF connection to any existing node right now. I've been working with the city to get a node with a couple sector antenna's put up at a city owned water tower, which is the link North and East of the center omni in the model below. The other is the local elementary school, I could also reach the local middle school and OCFA Station #50, and the San Clemente Medical building.

If a OCSD substation is set up at the Outlets, which I understand is being actively planned or built now, I should be able to reach that, too. 

That water tower facility alone still might not get an RF connection to the OC mesh, but it will be a strategically valuable site for future deployment and hopefully make setting up that RF connection easier going forward. 

With the water tower in North San Clemente hooked up, a node at the landfill at a decent height should be able to reach Krum, which would make for a very robust connection to the OC mesh. Image below is a model of a landfill node connecting to Krum and the North SC water tower.

If you think there's a node I can make an RF connection with that will connect me to the broader OC mesh, please let me know, but based on my models, nothing looks like it will work from my house. I've been putting my effort into getting nodes into strategic locations to cover a bunch of the city and to make an RF connection hopefully through Capo Beach/Dana Point. or to Krum. Looking at the active real-time map on, there doesn't appear to be anything in range of my home, regardless of what equipment I might use. Looking at the map, AE6H might be able to make a connection if he gets his node back online and if the antenna is the right piece of equipment and set up the right way. I set up a couple solar power powered 2.4GHz node kits, I could conceivably give him one and see if we can make the link work. That might be my easiest potential path to the mesh. Here's one of the solar node kits. It's a 12v/5v juice pack connected to a solar panel, 12v amplifier and GL-iNet AR150M-EXT with a 2.4GHz yagi on it. I need to seal up the holes for the cables, but once that's done it should be waterproof and pretty low-maintenance even in a remote location.

Here's a model of what I think I can cover with my omni. I think it outperforms what my 90 sectors could do, hopefully it winds up being a strategically valuable node in the near future. I'm hoping to get my portable nodes into the field to test the range and validate the model over the next few days.
KM6SLF's picture
Looks like the images I
Looks like the images I pasted into the comment didn't come through. I'll have to share them another way later
WU2S's picture
Forum pictures
KM6SLF's picture
Thanks. I modeled them in the
Thanks. I modeled them in the airlink tool and didn't save it, so I need to do it later today when I can have some time at my desk.

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