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Nano station xw issue

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Nano station xw issue
I attempted to upgrade this node remotely. It did not go well. I retrieved it and loaded factory flash then aredn- it worked, but would not do -2 5mhz. It said foreign and I assumed it was the wrong image, but was able to run the setup. Tried to do over. I am stuck, can not TFTP factory bin anymore, only image I can load is aredn-development-175-8c5be0cf-ubnt-m-xw-sqyashfs-factory.bin. I can not access the node after doing so. Unit indicates it's alive. I can get it back to TFTP to load another image, but only will load the above image mentioned. Ok what am I missing????
"I retrieved it and loaded
"I retrieved it and loaded factory flash then aredn- "

When you say this do you mean you loaded AirOs and then loaded AREDN? If so what version of AirOs did you load first?
K5DLQ's picture
(That doesn't look like an
(That doesn't look like an official UBNT firmware file name.  CAUTION!)
k1ky's picture
Is this an M5XW or M2XW?
I see reference to Channel -2, which indicates you are working with a 2.4GHZ Model.  Are you sure it is an XW model?  You should be working with the latest build dev_176 instead of RC1which I don't believe supported the M2XW.  Make sure that you match the Model and Board revision. (XM vs XW)
Thanks for the comments! Some
Thanks for the comments! Some how I can talk to the node now via AirOS. I tried loading so many versions not sure what took. Here is what it says it is Firmware XW.v5.6-15sign 31612.170-08.1440 build 31612. I was going to load AREDN-develop-176-8c5be0cf-ubnt-nano-m-xw-squashfs-factory.bin. I wanted to check so I do not brick it again. This node was running for 6 months never should of tried
k1ky's picture
No Signed UBNT firmware
Not sure why/how you ended back up with UBNT firmware, but you will need to TFTP an UNSIGNED version of the UBNT firmware in order to load AREDN via the WEB Interface. Otherwise possibly wait for the new (yet to be released) AREDN firmware that can be loaded direct via TFTP.  There is information in some past threads somewhere on this forum for downgrade procedures from SIGNED UBNT firmware.
k1ky's picture
Don't forget the Port issue on XW devices
After loading AREDN on XW Nanostation devices, the DTD connections go to the Secondary Port and Computer connections go to the Main Port.. 
Ok, it took  AREDN-develop
Ok, it took  AREDN-develop-176-8c5be0cf-ubnt-nano-m-xw-squashfs-factory.bin. Back to ground zero can not get to setup: http://localnode:8080 or http://localnode.local.mesh:8080 with wifi off or on. 

What do you mean by DTD, I  never have used the secondary port?
k1ky's picture
Try a different browser, computer
Have you tried a different computer or browser? DTD is where you connect 2 AREDN devices together.  If you have another node, you can plug it into the Secondary port and they will tie together.  Of course your newly flashed node will need to be setup first!  I don't understand where you are turning WiFi on or off? Your computer won't be able to communicate with the AREDN device via WiFi. If you have another AREDN device on 2.4 Ghz, you should be able to "see" the new node on with a Wi-Fi scan Channel 11 @ 20 mhz - probably something like an SSID of MESHNODE....
Ha, never hooked two nodes
Ha, never hooked two nodes directly together. I use my air router and vlan network. When I mentioned the WIFI, I turned it off to make sure it was not looking for the node there, I did what you recommended and use channel 11 @ 20 mhz and the node is there and can be seen. I still can not access the node to run setup with http://localnode.local.mesh:8080. Is there any other way to access the node?
Thanks for the help! Node un
Thanks for the help! Node un-bricked and backup and running. I had to hunt down the ip address and got it setup. Never had to do this before, must be my windows, need to switch to Linux. Thanks again David KG5RDF

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