When i try to upload the standard Nano station M5 .bin, i get the following error in the AirOS:
Firmware image check failed. Error code: -6
73, Jan PA7O
If this is a newer NS M5, it is probably the new "XW" model which isn't supported YET by AREDN. We do have a ticket open to add support for it here: http://bloodhound.aredn.org/products/AREDN/ticket/43
It is indeed the latest XW model.
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If this is a newer NS M5, it is probably the new "XW" model which isn't supported YET by AREDN. We do have a ticket open to add support for it here: http://bloodhound.aredn.org/products/AREDN/ticket/43
It is indeed the latest XW model.
73, Jan PA7O