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Name Change Salemmeshnetwork is now Willamette Valley Mesh Network

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Name Change Salemmeshnetwork is now Willamette Valley Mesh Network
Hi Oregon Mesh Enthusiasts,

We have changed the name of the Salemmeshnetwork users' group to Willamette Valley Mesh Network
to better represent our expanding AREDN mesh network in Oregon.

If you were already a member, you should already be a member under the new  name.Just choose the new group name on "Your Groups" menu.
The WVMN group has 128 members. Bring your ideas and questions to the newsgroup.

We have 146 nodes currently active in 10 counties in Oregon! We have 2 new tunnel links to Central Oregon near Redmond and Bend.

This network is a great way to experiment with new services, and practice emergency messaging.
Bring your  projects and test them on the network. AREDN connects users to users 24/7 so they can work with each other and try new things.

Also, join the WA7ABU Mesh Net on Thursdays at 1900 on the 145.290 repeater (on Echolink, WA7ABU-R)
Brett, KG7GDB
Salem, Oregon


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