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Multi-port POE Adapter

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Multi-port POE Adapter
This device provides POE connections to 4 or 8 devices at once, thereby reducing the number of POE adapters you would normally have to use.
For example you might have a camera and a mesh node, both of which run from 12 VDC and would otherwise have two POE adapters.
I am using it now in that configuration and it works fine.  The advertisement and instructions leave a lot to be desired.  You provide power to it via a typical coaxial plug, or else screw terminals.  Then the POE and LAN connections go straight across the device to matching terminals.  It does not do any routing or voltage conversion, as suggested by the advertisement.

KD2EVR's picture
I purchased several of these
I purchased several of these from Amazon. It appears to be the same thing internally as what you posted. They're very versatile.

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