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Motorola MLC 8000 Conventional Comparator Interface over MESH

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k1ky's picture
Motorola MLC 8000 Conventional Comparator Interface over MESH
Has anyone successfully been able to link a pair of Motorola MLC 8000 Comparators over an AREDN MESH network?  My unit and other devices on the far end are on and : I am able to configure my AirRouter at the equipment site using NAT and can access (ping) the devices locally, but I cant even access the AirRouter on (Addy that I picked) over the network.

What do you mean you picked

What do you mean you picked

In NAT mode your mesh node should shelf generate a single IP address in the 10.x.y.z range, there should be no address to "pick" 

After that you can set IP's on the Lan interface (avoiding the 10.x.y.y and 172.16.x.y-172.32.x.y is recommended if you can  but not 100% required). Any address on this interface will NOT be accessible over the mesh directly, you have to reach the mesh node public IP and have it port forward (NAT) to the LAN IP address.

If you can't access the mesh node UI over the mesh then you likely do not have a connection and that would need to be diagnosed first.

k1ky's picture
MLC 8000
I knew I wasn't exactly clear on that.
I can access the "node" from the node list, cruise through the settings, make changes, etc. over the MESH network.  I just can't "ping" it's main network addy  like I can other MESH node addys that are on the network.  I didn't try to access it through a browser as I figured that if I can't "ping" it, I couldn't access it. I realize in order to be able to access the addy over the MESH I probably need to move the NODE to something like and set up a DCP range 236 - 240 in order to access my target over the network like I can when I attach IP phones and the like.. Is there a way to change the configuration settings of the node to "force" the starting addy to in regular MESH 5Host or 13Host mode?  It's kind of like a hybrid engineered/MESH network.  I know that I won't have any other addy conflicts on this small network that won't be part of any larger MESH network.  This network has only 4 stations at this time, 2 AirRouters as Base Network Switches for attaching devices and 2 Nanobridge M5 on the tower at each of the 2 sites over a 7 mile path talking to each other, linking the 2 sites together.
K5DLQ's picture
Still trying to wrap my head

Still trying to wrap my head around this...
Is your "remote network" on a 10.x.x.x network?
If so, I think it needs to change since the mesh ALSO runs on the 10.x.x.x network.

BTW, congrats on winning the Hamradio360 contest! )

k1ky's picture
Remote network is fixed
Yes, specifically the device that I need to access is on - I need a way to be able to directly access it over the network and "look" like that is where it is located by the box on the other end that is lookign for it.  Otherwise, we get high dollar Motorola support involved to change it on both ends - I'm trying to avoid that..  It shouldn't be a conflict in our network.

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