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MotionEye not advertised problem when using recent firmware

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MotionEye not advertised problem when using recent firmware
Just FYI

I have 4 Mikrotik hAPs all connected DtD here in my radio room.  One of them, a hAPac Lite, is for use in a go-box and I want to include a small video camera running MotionEye (MEYE) software and attaching via 2G WiFi.  I've been doing something similar for years with 2 MEYE cameras with no issue.  In this instance however, I got the "is not advertised" error in Aredn. It was briefly advertised and then disappeared from the mesh view.  When the link was briefly visable, it pointed to "meye-622f92dd,local.mesh".  If I attach my computer directly to the hAP with the camera via Ethernet, that link and/or the cameras IP address will quickly bring up the video.  If I attach my computer to any of the other 3 hAPs in the "group", the IP address works but the "meye-622f92dd,local.mesh" brings up the following error message.  

“This site can’t be reached
meye-b22f92dd.local.mesh’s server IP address could not be found.”

The camera IP is ping-able from any of the hAPs.   There is a nearly identical camera setup on one of the other hAPS in the group that works fine from any location including the wider mesh.  That hAP runs an older FW version.   After a couple days of trying to figure this out,  I reverted the FW on the new, go-box hAP to that of hAP with the working camera.  After that, the go-box's camera works fine and is advertised, with no changes in the settings. An added benefit is my iperfspeed and MeshChat reappeared.  The working FW version is  .   These did not work .   I'm a little uncertain about , as usual, I should take better notes.

A lot to unpack and some
A lot to unpack and some clarifying questions.

I have the following going on ... I have a remote camera on the network which is cabled to a switch where the DHCP is provided by a node running firmware.  That camera is sending RTSP over the larger AREDN network to my home location where I have a server.  I found out that while AREDN requires a browser compatible codec to display video, the streaming video encoders built into the cameras tend to be lousy.  So I have the camera send RTSP to a Linux server at my home running MotionEye and then MotionEye provides .mp4 out for others to connect to.  The hAP that is providing DHCP to my home network which includes the Linux server is just changed to and it's all working fine. 

I don't understand your post.  You say you have MotionEye installed on the camera itself?   I didn't know that was even possible. 

So I'm having no particular issue so far with controlling a server running MotionEye.  I'm not entirely clear exactly what is what on your site.

Thanks, here are more details.
The camera is an inexpensive one like this, or a near relative RasTech for Raspberry Pi Camera Module 5MP 1080p OV5647 Webcam Video Camera Module Set with 1 Clear Stand and 3 Ribbon Cable for Pi 5 Pi 4 Model A/B, Zero W : Electronics  .  I hope that link comes through.  It is attached to a Raspberry Pi Zero W and both the camera and the RPi are in a small case that connects to the hAPac Lite via 2G WiFi.  The RPi, is running the latest version of MotionEyeOS  Releases · motioneye-project/motioneyeos  .  The camera / RPi log into the hAP and are assigned a reserved IP.  That IP  will reach the camera's streaming video from anywhere on the fairly large local mesh (32 nodes, 77 devices).  I try to advertise the camera and it is assigned a "name" (meye-b22f92dd.local.mesh) that is supposed to be linked to the camera's IP address.  While the camera's IP address works to connect over the entire mesh, the "name" only works when my computer is connected to the hAP the camera is "attached" to.  No other node on the mesh can reach the camera using the meye-b22f92dd.local.mesh.  (As you may have guessed, I'm not an IT guy;-)   The red, clickable link to the camera showed up for a minute or two in the "mesh status" view when I first set it up, then it disappeared.  I understand that this is because some mechanism checks the service links and removes the bad ones.

In my office there is a second hAPac Lite running older Aredn FW with an identical camera connected the identical way, and it is easily reached from the larger mesh by either the IP address or the assigned "name".  When I switched the "problem hAP " to that older FW. the problem went away and everything works as it should.

I post this because others might have a similar problem and need a solution, albeit, not a great solution.  We have about 5 of these identical cameras running 24/7 at various QTHs over the mesh.  I'm concerned something might have changed in recent FW that causes this problem and no one has noticed.   It is probably not an issue for most setups.   

Thanks for reading the post(s) and any response.  Again, this is posted to help others, and to report a possible issue with recent FW versions, at least at my house ;-)
w6bi's picture
Lee, the devs don't monitor these forums much.  To get their attention, open an Issue on the AREDN GitHub instance.  Add this description and include a support data file (obtained from the Tools folder in the lower RH corner)

Orv W6BI
Wow.  That is weird.
Wow.  That is weird.

OK, MotionEye is on the Pi.  I know nothing about RPi and only use X86 machines.  I do know that MotionEye did not like me trying to add a USB camera to the box it was running on, so I only use IP cameras at this time.  Others have figured out how to do USB cameras, ok.

But the pictures show some strange ribbon cable from the camera/chip/module thingy to the RPi.  What protocol?  That is wild ... and I have no idea how to help at all.

image of inside of camera
Attached is a picture of one of the cameras we use with the back of the camera module circled.  You can see the ribbon cable connection between the camera and the RPi.   The module is small and runs on 5VDC.   This one is in a commercial case.  Just FYI, thanks to all for the help!
File Attachment: 

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