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More Proxmox VM fun

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More Proxmox VM fun
Was not able to get nor even to work right so ended up installing nightly 20241128-d7754d89 and that seems to pretty much work but I did find an issue in that it will not save DHCP MAC reservations.

After selecting the leases I want to reserve, I click the DONE button and the popup closes. However I am never presented the usual COMMIT banner at the top either, the popup simply closes. When I reopen to check, the LAN DHCP popup is like I never selected any reservations.
w6bi's picture
Reporting Issues
Ken, the devs don't read the Forums much.  Recommend you put this in GitHub, if you haven't already.

Orv W6BI
Yea, I figured that out
Yea, I figured that out (Slack doesn't hurt either)!
Just to close this thread, I
Just to bring closure to this thread, I resolved the problem by going to the nightly build. The last 3 have been working fine (with some minor issues along the way that have been corrected as of this post)

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