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Miktorik firmware flashing problem

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Miktorik firmware flashing problem

As this is my first post here I'd like to welcome everyone.

I’m trying to install AREDN firmware on a Mikrotik board and I am struggling with that. 

At the beginning I’d like to mention that I have some basic experience with that process - 3 running nodes - 2 of them Mikrotik. Thus the problem isn’t trivial.

The board itself has printed on the label “RouterBOARD 912G 5HPnD”. The sticker says “RB911G-5HPnD FCC ID: TV7RB912G-5HPND”. Therefore I have doubts regarding the actual model.

RouterOS says:

CPU        MIPS 74Kc V4.12
CPU Count        1
CPU Frequency        600 MHz
Total Memory        32.0 MiB
Total HDD Size        128.0 MiB
Architecture Name        mipsbe
Board Name        RB911G-5HPnD
Firmware Type        ar9340
Version        6.49.7 (stable)
Factory Firmware        3.07
Current Firmware        6.49.7

Additionally OpenWRT says:

Architecture    Atheros AR9342 rev 2

And additionally the only AREDN firmware I was able to run says:

Hardware Type: (ar71xx/mikrotik) mikrotik (rb-911g-5hpnd)

I assume that this is the RB911G :)

In the document there is RB911G-2HPnD listed but the Image column is empty. 

In the I can find MikroTik RouterBOARD 911G-5HPnD-QRT and I assume that this is the correct one.

At the beginning I was faced with the “not compatible with the bootloader of RouterOS v7” issue so I downgraded the Router OS to versions 6.45.8 and later the  6.45.1 and 6.44 - due to failure to install AREDN. 

I have tried to run multiple versions of AREDN firmware. All have failed at some point. To verify if this is some hardware problem I checked if it is doable to install the original OpenWRT. I succeeded at my first attempt. The procedure was exactly the same. Boot from tftp, scp the sysupgrade.bin and run the sysupgrade command. I’m able to perform multiple operations and as far as I can tell it is stable and fully functional.

The first and most worrying problem for me is why I am unable to boot any of versions available trough The boot simply does not start. Ping command replies with “Destination Host Unreachable”. Is the board somehow different to the one you support? Are there some variants? 

While trying multiple versions I found that I am able to boot all the 3.22 versions from ar71xx/mikrotik target.

But is was failing to upload the sysupgrade.bin both via browser and scp. 

Browser was failing with 500 and after then I was unable to access the webpage again.

The scp was failing as bellow.

$ scp -O -v -p 2222 aredn-  root@
Sending file modes: C0664 5560320 aredn-
Sink: C0664 5560320 aredn-
aredn-                                                                                    40% 2208KB  62.7KB/s   00:51 ETA
client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe
lost connection

After the operation. System starts being unstable. Webpage does not load. Ssh disconnects randomly. 

$ ssh -p 2222 root@
root@'s password: 

BusyBox v1.30.1 () built-in shell (ash)

Connection to closed.

I have left it overnight to "warp it up". I was trying to limit the speed with the -l flag. No luck. 

I was able to upload some smaller files but to some size. There is one discovery I made. I was trying to create a file in /tmp directory using different sizes:

root@NOCALL:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=output.dat  bs=1K  count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
root@NOCALL:~# ls -lh | grep output.dat 
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        1.0M Dec 14 16:07 output.dat
root@NOCALL:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=output.dat  bs=1K  count=4096
root@NOCALL:~# Connection to closed.

It seems that I am unable to create in the tmpfs a file above a certain size despite available space.

root@NOCALL:~# df -h /tmp
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                    13.5M     84.0K     13.4M   1% /tmp

If not for the fact that I was able to successfully boot and flash the OpenWRT and it is running without a hitch I would think that this is some hardware issue. But now I think there seems to be some problem between me and the aredn firmware. 

My question is if I am doing something incorrect? Is this the right approach? Is the board in fact supported? Maybe I am wrong and it in fact is the hardware issue?

I’m going to try the “The old way to flash an image“ approach from here but first I wanted to make sure that there isn't any obvious reason I shouldn't do it and there is any chance it will run.

Paweł SQ7PWL

I would believe what the
I would believe what the Router OS says over any sticker FWIW.  This looks like the info for a QRT5, is that what you are working with, or is it a bare board?

One other thing jumps out at me, the Router OS dump says the total memory is 32Mb.  Most recent versions are 64Mb.  Is this a super old board?  Most devices with 32Mb are no longer supported.

Others with more experience will no doubt have more helpful insights.

Hello Ed,
Hello Ed,

Thank you for your reply. 
This is bare board. And this indeed might be quite old one. Another thing worth worth paying attention to on this aspect is the original firmware version with is 3.07. It seems to be relatively old one.
This page says it is 32MB indeed. Also is says that this is from 2013 :) But it seems that this is the same for all variants.
Do you know if there is any place to see all the supported variants of the hardware? Or maybe how to check what variants are and aren't supported?


Here are few pictures of the board
PXL-20240717-101419988-MP PXL-20240717-101358014-MP PXL-20240717-101257788 PXL-20240717-101137625

nc8q's picture
rb911/rb912: place to see variants of the hardware?
I'm not the expert here, but
I'm not the expert here, but I can tell you two things ... we've been getting the message for a while to sunset all 32MB devices, and to transition whenever possible to the newer AC 128MB devices.  However, to confuse things I looked at the status page for a working QRT with on it and it says the memory is 32 ... so some clarity would be helpful.  Boards aren't supported forever however, it's a computer after all.

So to sum up I was somewhat
So to sum up I was somewhat misled by the Supported Devices document because of the fact that RB911G with 32MB should be at least in the sunset section if it is supported by AREDN at all.

While I already have bought this board and I have anything else to do with it, the question remains if is this board should be able to run AREDN (at least the release)?

w6bi's picture
RouterBOARD 912G 5HPnD
That's the Basebox 2, which has 64 MB of RAM and is fully supported.  Go to the software selector and type in 912.  You'll find it there.

Hope this helps.

Orv W6BI

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