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MikroTik RBLHG-2nD-XL: Noise/Sensitivity

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MikroTik RBLHG-2nD-XL: Noise/Sensitivity

I am posting this for a friend:

I have a MikroTik RBLHG-2nD-XL running 1022-412a1e5 firmware.
Purchased new advertised as the International version.

Poor performance on ch  -2  using 10 MHz bandwidth.

Performed these tests:

Using chs 1 and higher, all is ok with 10 or 20 MHz b/w.
Displaying  -95 noise/sensitivity on the  NODE STATUS page.

Chs  -1 and -2  are ok when using 20 MHz b/w, but funky using 10 MHz b/w.
Displaying  -88 using 10 MHz b/w and  -95 using 20 MHz b/w.

ALL chs display -95 when using 20 MHz b/w.

Royce - W3IF
AE6XE's picture
If anyone has one of these
If anyone has one of these LHG devices, can you check to see what is showing on node status page for the noise and (ave) signal level?   Does anyone see a value other than -95 for the noise?    A node should boot to -95dBm noise level -- this is the starting point, but  then over time in noisy environments, can step this value up/down.   These noise values are consistent on this one device, and unexplained.   Given the device is underperforming, this device is suspect.   Although I would not expect the noise to be -88dBm, even if underperforming, rather lower SNRs with noise still -95dBm.   Anyone see similar noise values?

Joe AE6XE   
w6bi's picture
Mikrotik LHG-2nD-XL
On KM6FQ's Mikrotik LHG-2nD-XL  I see

Signal/Noise/Ratio    -67 / -88 / 21 dB

Orv W6BI
K6CCC's picture
-90 dBm noise floor
Mine is showing a noise floor of -90 with a BW of 10 MHz on channel -2 running nightly 1101.  The three other nodes that it is hearing are currently -32, -38, & -48 dBm (they're all within 5 feet of each other).

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