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MikroTik LHG HP5 bootloop after flashing AREDN

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MikroTik LHG HP5 bootloop after flashing AREDN
I own 2 x MikroTik LHG HP5 for AREDN.

I was able to flash and configure one router board with AREDN firmware. This runs perfectly.

The second one I can also flash with AREDN - after finishing the configuration (hostname and password) the routerboard boots and gets into a bootloop. This repeats itself forever.

I have reset the RB with NETINSTALL to the original Mikrotik software. Runs without problem.

A new flash with AREDN shows the same error again.

Does anyone have a serious idea?

73 from Liechtenstein (HBØ)
Hallo Stefan
Hallo Stefan
Von diesen Geräten gibt es offenbar mehrere Versionen. Eigentlich - in der Theorie - sollten alle mit der neuesten Firmware funktionieren, trotzdem wäre mein Vorschlag zu versuchen, die vorletzte Firmware-Version aufzuspielen, dies ist die letzte Version vor dem OpenWRT Update. Wenn es mit der klappt, kann es sein dass deine Geräte-Hardware ev. nicht kompatibel ist. Trotzdem könntest du danach versuchen, das Update auf die noch einzuspielen - falls das nicht geht - du hast ja jetzt schon Übung mit dem Reset :-)

Ansonsten einfach auf der bleiben - mit der funktioniert ja weiterhin alles wunderbar. Für meinen LiteBeam gibt's gar kein Update mehr, aber deswegen läuft er ja trotzdem weiter.

Dass ihr in HB0 auch was macht, war mir noch gar nicht bekannt. Es würde mich interessieren, was du/ihr da der Region Bern/Solothurn/Luzern kommt das jetzt recht ins rollen.

Beste 73s
Jetz scheint es eine Lösung zu geben...
Salü Kurt
Sorry, hab ewig nicht mehr in diesen Forum geschaut. Aber das warten hat sich gelohnt. Eine Lösung steht weiter unten.

Ja, doch in HBØ tut sich was... wir experimentieren im Moment in alle Himmelsrichtung mit AREDN und ob das für unseren Notfunk sein könnte.
Wir haben auch einen Tunnel Richtung Weissenstein - über diesen kann HBØ erreicht werden.

Gruss Stefan
same here, compiling

I'm currently encountering the exact same behavior on a MikroTik LHG HP5 XL dish. I have tried both the current version and the latest build with no success. I got help from KG7KMV and we had the same issue. I translated the reply here and the insight on a change to OpenWRT may be the reason. However, as there appear to be no builds for the HP5, I am currently compiling this version from source. I am hoping that I can assemble a build that will successfully boot on the dish. I'm not sure why it otherwise failed on my equipment when its marked as stable.

No luck compiling firmware from Jan 26
To follow up on my last post, I have successfully compiled into ath79-mikrotik binaries and then tried flashing the sysupgrade firmware. It again bootloops. I'm now going to try this same version of AREDN with the last major version of OpenWRT, as maybe this is the core problem as HB9XCL said above. This is the latest AREDN commit that splits the code into very radio-specific fimware packages for MikroTik and I am hoping that I'm back far enough in AREDN code that it will still compile against the older OpenWRT code. What a mess.
Fixed it!
I fixed it, and I am quite certain that this same solution is going to work for you, HB0TR.

The issue was that I had previously used my dish and upgraded the MikroTik software and firmware. Everything was kept up-to-date like a good sysadmin. However, AREDN is based on OpenWRT, and I discovered this page: which says that OpenWrt is not compatible with the bootloader above RouterOS v6.48.8. I was running the latest RouterOS v7 and this was the core problem and the cause the bootloop. So, I used the MikroTik Netboot tool to flash RouterOS v7 again (since the firmware was already setup for v7, I didn't want any compatibility problems) and then I followed the instructions on that OpenWRT page to downgrade the packages and then the firmware to v6.48.8. Once this was done, and I verified that I was on the last supported version, I flashed the AREDN initramfs image (which worked as it always had) and then uploaded the sysupgrade firmware. This time the dish booted properly and I was able to login! So now I'm up and running on the latest stable AREDN version and the last supported MikroTik bootloader version. So in short, you'll need to downgrade, and then flash. Good luck!
1000 thanks!
Hello Jesse

This is exactly what I was looking for - thank you.

I'm sure your solution will be helpful to many others.

73 from Liechtenstein
HBØTR Stefan
K5DLQ's picture
Steve has added an "ATTENTION
Steve has added an "ATTENTION" box to the docs on this.

Really appreciate it!
Thanks Steve for addressing that Github issue ticket so swiftly, I think this guidance should make things much smoother going forward!

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