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Mikrotik Convert Question-Tiny PXE and Modifying the config.ini file

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KE6GYD's picture
Mikrotik Convert Question-Tiny PXE and Modifying the config.ini file
This will be my first foray into converting a Mikrotik device (hAP) to AREDN.  I am awaiting its arrival and was preparing for the conversion.  The instructions seem easy to follow and I'm comfortable doing this after doing so many Ubiquiti devices using TFTP.

I followed the directions from AREDN, downloaded the TinyPXE and was able to open the config.ini file in notepad.  I was ready to add the line   rfc951=1   under [dhcp]

Below is what opened (I left off all rest below the filename line) and before I did any modification, I noticed that there are two new lines added that I highlighted in bold and one is a reference to rfc951=1 but it is not under [dhcp]

This does not look like the pics of this file in the AREDN instructions (The power point, and in Rays youtube video).

Am I missing something here or has there been a change to Tiny PXE and if so, does the rfc951=1 line still need to be added or can we now use the config.ini file without modification?


;will over rule the bootp filename or opt67 if the client arch matches one of the below
;below is applicable only if proxydhcp=0
;needed to tell TFTPd where is the root folder
;bootp filename as in
AE6XE's picture
It looks like the necessary
It looks like the necessary option is now included.   It is in the needed [dhcp] section, so should be good to go:
;below is applicable only if proxydhcp=0  <- this is a comment
rfc951=1  <- this is still in the [dhcp] section

KE6GYD's picture
config.ini file
Yep, this is what is there, so looks like I'll give it a shot without any mod to that file

;below is applicable only if proxydhcp=0
;needed to tell TFTPd where is the root folder


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