Sorry if this question has already been addressed. I would like to know what the LEDs are programed to do on the Mikrotik Basebox. I have a new unit with 1080 firmware. I can see the unit from my other nodes but only have one green LED.
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For the basebox:
All lights come on at power up diagnostics, then go off. All lights are color green.
PWR: Blinks when AREDN linux kernel is starting up. Solid after AREDN is running.
ETH: Blinks when the Ethernet port has traffic.
USB: Not used.
Low Signal Strength LED: Solid when there is a mesh link (RF or DtDlink) Blinks during firmware upgrade process.
Signal strength 2, 3, 4, and 5: Not used
I was stumped until now. I never really use the lights except to flash the firmware or to see it power up.
I know a lot of people who might use the original RouterOS firmware who use the signal strength lights to point/aim their nodes. This method wouldn't work very with AREDN anyway. I prefer to use the AREDN's realtime SNR tool on the node's webpage via my smartphone - often with the audio indicator if the sun is really bright. It makes aiming easy and more precise than 4 LEDs.
-Damon K9CQB