I currently have a MikroTik LHG XL 5 ac (P/N RBLHGG-5acD-XL) dish antenna which provides 27 dBi of gain and a maximum power of 25 dBm. The hilltop node that I’m trying to hit is seeing me with a SNR of 17 dB. I’m seeing the hilltop node with a SNR of about 23 to 24 dB. I’ve tried realigning my MikroTik dish several times with no improvement.
I recently implemented a VoIP phone system. The one person testing the system is able to connect but the voice quality is very poor, practically unintelligible. I’m able to hear that user with excellent voice quality. I’m thinking that I will need to get my SNR, as seen by the hilltop node, somewhere above 20 dB to make the system usable.
To that end, I’m considering buying the MiroTik BaseBox 5 AP (Mikrotik BaseBox 5 RB912UAG-5HPnD-OUT) which (looking at the specs on the MikroTik web site) would give me a max output power of 30 dBm. If I pair that with the MikroTik dish antenna (mANT30 PA parabolic dish antenna), which provides 30 dBi of gain, I should be able to significantly improve my SNR as seen by the hilltop node and get well above 20 dB.
Does this seem like a reasonable approach to improving my current 17 dB SNR, as seen by the hilltop node, up above 20 dB? Does anyone have a better recommendation for a different AP/antenna combination to boost my SNR?
I’d particularly appreciate hearing from anyone that is already using this combination of AP and antenna regarding how it’s worked for them. Or if you’ve used a different dish with BaseBox 5 I'd be interested to hear about that, too.
Thanks for any feedback/recommendations.
Just a word of warning - 30 dBm into a 30 dBi dish is 1 KILOWATT of ERP. DON'T walk or stand in front of it when it's powered up.
What about the user's link into the hilltop node? Can it be improved also?
Orv W6BI
Thanks, Orv.
Good point about the rf exposure. I ran the numbers through the RF Exposure Calculator on the ARRL web site. The minimum safe distance for a controlled environment is 6 ft. For an uncontrolled environment it's 8.5 ft. The dish will be up on my roof so I think it will be ok as long as no one is walking around up there.
Regarding improving the other user's link, the other user is connected to the hilltop node via a tunnel. The weak link in the chain is my RF link and only in one direction. The data rate from the hilltop to me is fine. The problem is the data rate from me to the hilltop due to the low SNR.
If I use the BaseBox 5 along with the mANT30 dish, I'm hoping that I will have good SNR with low error rates and some margin to reduce power. I would then be able to reduce the power to find a sweet spot of lower power with still sufficient SNR.
Hi, John:
At first glance when you referred to the other end of the link as the 'hilltop node',
I was imagining 'the hill top' was a 'point-to-multi-point' link.
If " the other user is connected to the hilltop node via a tunnel",
then this is a 'point-to-point' RF link and I beg the query:
What is the node device at the hill top end.
If different equipment is to be obtained, please give us the whole picture.
Latitude, longitude, and height above ground level at each end.
73, Chuck
Hi, Chuck.
The hilltop node is at a location called Wiedemann Hill on the West side of San Ramon, CA. It is a Ubiquiti Rocket M5 with an airMAX AMO-5G13 omnidirectional antenna. It is located at:
Latitude: 37.738125
Longitude: -121.994787
My node is located at:
Latitude: 37.790278
Longitude: -121.964444
The elevation of Wiedemann Hill is a little over 1,800 ft. The elevation of my house is about 500 ft. I don’t have an exact height of the tower but I think 30 ft would be a ball park estimate. My node is on my roof, about 15 feet above ground level.
My house in Danville, CA, is just under 4 miles to the northeast of Wiedemann Hill. So, my rough calculation is that it’s a little less than a 4 degree angle down from Wiedemann Hill to me. The data sheet for the AMO-5G13 (if I’m reading it correctly) indicates that the Elevation Beamwidth is 7 degrees and the Downtilt is 2 degrees. It seems like all those angles combined puts me pretty well within the beam. Let me know if I have that wrong.
Again, thanks for your help.
Hi, John:
1. You could replace the Omni on the hill with a Mikrotik LHG-HP5-ac or SXTsq-HP5nD aimed at you.
2. You could add a MikrotikLHG-HP5-ac or SXTsq-HP5nD on the hill aimed at you.
Compared to a Rocket(28dBm) and an AMO-5G13(13dBi)=41dB
a SXTsq-HP5nD(28dBm+16dBi)=44 dB which raises your 17 dB to 20 or
a LHG-HP5nD(28dbM+24.5 dBi)=52.5 which raises your 17 dB 35.5 or
a LHG-5ac(25dBm+24.5dBi)=49.5 which raises your 17 dB to 32.5.
An SXTsq-5ac would be no improvement.
Since you have an 'ac' device at home, I recommend adding an LHG'ac' device to the hill,
else the SNR at each end would be dissimilar.
You geometry numbers seem fine to me.
I see a 3.725 degrees downtilt from the hill to you, so counting the downtilt of the hill antenna
I see a difference of 1.725 degrees.
73, Chuck
There is currently one other RF user that has a continuous link to the Wiedemann Hill node. The Neighbor Status screen of the Wiedemann Hill node indicates that there are about 5 or 6 other users that have tried to link via RF but their SNR is very low and they are either blocked or have disconnected. BTW, I suspect the other user is using the BaseBox5 with the mANT30 PA dish and is getting SNR of 36/32 dB in the two directions at a distance of 5 miles but I haven't been able to confirm what equipment he's using. I tried to contact him about a week ago but I haven't heard back which led me to post this question.
The node was installed on Wiedemann Hill to be a resource to anyone in the area that wants to connect into the AREDN mesh so replacing it with a dish pointed at me would be out of the question. Adding a dish pointed at me would be great but I don't have any access to the site. It's sounding to me like using the BaseBox5 along with the mANT30 PA is going to be best solution.
Hi, John:
That information would have been good to know at the beginning.
73, Chuck
Hi, Chuck.
Sorry if I should have added more information. My initial question was just to see if I was taking a reasonable approach to improving my SNR over my existing MikroTik LHG.
Everyone has been really helpful here. It's a great community. I certainly don't want to waste anyone's time by writing a very long post that's so long no one wants to read it. In any case, I'll keep all this in mind for any future posts I make.
Hi, AJ6GZ.

As I mentioned to Chuck, I'd love to place a sector antenna or dish on Wiedemann Hill pointing at me but the site is out of my control. I do have clear line of sight without any obstructions or trees between me and the site. The picture below shoes the view from my dish to the tower on Wiedemann Hill. You can see that there is a pine tree to the left of the path but I think (I hope) that it's far enough to the left to not be a problem. At any rate, I think this is the best path I'm going to get from my house.
The one other user who has a good connection (SNRs of 36/32) is located 5.6 miles to the southwest of Wiedemann Hill, pretty much the opposite from my direction. As I said above, I think he's using the BaseBox5 with the mANT30 PA dish but I haven't been able to confirm that.
Have you asked the person in control?
In message #3 you mention one other user.
In message #7 you mention 5 or 6 other users that are 'blocked' or 'disconnected'.
I would like to see the cgi-bin/lqm report from the hill top node.
If there are really 6 to 7 other hidden transmitters attempting to link with the exposed hill top node and,
you are attempting to be the 7th or 8th hidden transmitter,
then I don't think your use of maximum EIRP is a good solution.
73, Chuck
Hi, Chuck
Here's the Neighbor Status screen shot for Wiedemann Hill. You can see the two active RF links listed: one is mine and the other is the user that has the better connection. As you can see, the other users are either blocked or disconnected.
Regarding contacting the person in control, I haven't tried to contact them directly. If I can improve the link from my side by replacing my MikroTik LHG with a higher gain/higher power dish I would rather take that approach. My understanding is that the person/organization that controls the node has installed similar omni antennas on several hills in the area to promote the development of the AREDN mesh. I'm not looking for any special treatment. The way I'm looking at it is that they have provided a great resource. I'll take the responsibility for making it work at my end if I can. Also, addressing the issue from my side gives me more ability to solve problems if they come up.
Here's the screen shot.
Neither am I.
I am not seeking special treatment for you.
I will suggest, again, that exposed nodes and hidden nodes is a poor way to build a network.
Those 'blocked' and 'disconnected' nodes are interfering with the 2 RF linked nodes: kk6lsk? and you.
The other RF signals should stop transmitting on the K6ORI Omni channel.
73, Chuck
I didn't understand your point about the other blocked nodes. Now I get it. All those blocked nodes pointed at Wiedemann Hill are raising the noise floor at the site. I'm not sure I can do much about that. Maybe try to contact all those blocked users individually and ask them to turn off their nodes since they don't have a working connection? I'll have to think about how I can accomplish that. I'd welcome any other suggestion. I doubt that any of them realize their nodes are creating that elevated noise floor at the site.
As always, thanks for enlightening me. It's definitely been an educational process trying to get this to work.
Larry KK6LSK
For whatever reason I can't see the pics, but we'll trust it's a clean shot (pine trees are wifi band sponges, btw).
I realized I have the same path as you do, 5.6mi from a 25dBi dish at 26dBm but mine is into a Ubnt sector/Rocket on the far end with a 400ft elevation loss from here. 31dB all day long even in a noisy city. One local experience with an omni comes to mind, and that's the one on a 9 story building just 1.1mi away. Never been able to hit it in the slightest even with an LHG XL, tho there are two or three trees in the way--all it takes to wipe it out. Omnis just waste power and also suck up interference from all directions vs a 120 sector. Good for local spots or pop-up events but would never use on a hilltop because of the pattern and the hidden node issue Chuck mentions (a whole 'nuther issue).
Maybe offer to buy a sector for whomever's in charge up there? :) Everyone's coverage would improve and it probably would cost less than a new radio+giant dish on your end. The AM-5G19-120 would make up the 6dB difference you're after and likely be more efficient than pumping a KW into a deaf and noisy receiver.
I agree that a sector antenna pointed in my general direction would provide a much better situation. Along with Chuck's response, pointing out the issue with the elevated noise floor, I understand the omni antenna presents multiple challenges. Maybe I do need contact the owner of the omni antenna. At least to make sure all these issues are understood. As I said, I haven't done that yet because I felt the onus was on me to do everything I can at my end first. But if the AREDN mesh is going to be usable and reliable for the potential users in the area, it's probaby a good idea to raise the issue of elevated noise floor due to blocked nodes, as well as the possible solution of using multiple sector antennas rather than the one omni antenna as one method to solve the problem.
I'm not sure why photo of the line of sight isn't showing up for you. It shows up fine for me. Could it be a browser issue? It shows up for me if I use Firefox (my default browser). Interestingly, I looked at my post with both Chrome and Edge and the images didn't show up at first. I had to right click on the area where the image is supposed to be, which provides a menu that allows me to download the image. Does that work for you?
I really appreciate all the feedback and the constructive ideas for solving my problem.
John, KM6ZJT
Exposed nodes and hidden transmitters are much worse than an 'elevated noise floor'.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_node_problem (users in the valleys)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exposed_node_problem (hill top nodes)
With your local network build logic, as the number of users increases,
the network worsens geometrically.
Linking this hill top Omni to another hill top Omni on the same channel would be inane.
73, Chuck
Thanks for the references to the information on the hidden node and exposed node problems.
I was under the impression that the LQM, by blocking the nodes that are below the required threshold, would prevent or at least improve the packet collision problem from those blocked nodes.
I understand what you're saying that just putting up a higher power dish is more of a band-aid and not really addressing the underlying issue. If I can track down the person that manages the Wiedemann Hill site, can you suggest a better approach that could be taken to improve my SNR and my link quality while providing service to the other potential users? Is replacing the current omni antenna with several sector antennas on different channels the best way to improve the situation?
LQM does not block those nodes from causing interference or 'channel congestion' or 'channel collisions'. :-|
"suggest a better approach"
"replacing the current omni antenna with several sector antennas on different channels the best way to improve the situation?"
Adding radios with sector antennas on different channels is a good way to improve the situation.
It is electrically easy to run 3 nodes with one run of ethernet cable.
Climbing the tower to a 2 or 3 nodes is another issue. :-|
Locally, we have grown to have access to 4 high profile sites.
When a new user wishes to join our network, we aks that they both ends of the link (uplink and downlink).
e.g. The new user provides a 'panel antenna' style node for the downlink and a 'dish antenna' style node for their home/uplink.
You can view our 'mesh map' here:
73, Chuck
I'd love to see a mesh map to show the relative position of all these users trying to connect to one Omni. Chuck is right about the noise floor, but frankly your numbers at first glance don't look too shabby. The nodes being blocked are so far away their signal strength at the Omni is poor. I don't know if the Omni is able to ignore packets from those antennas and how much your performance is being affected. The best solution if the other users are grouped together is to have one beam be a backbone to that region then the others point at that station, but you have to have cooperation and planning.
If the blocked stations just stop their rf for a few hours you can easily test if that improves your throughput. The neighbor status page doesn't show enough detail to be clear what's going on, if you go to each node's page then look at the mesh status from the viewpoint of each node that is blocked ... you will most likely see from that view LQ is something crummy and NLQ (how the Omni sees it) is even worse. The blended value on the neighbor status page doesn't tell the whole story. That lets you see how much the distant antennas are reaching the Omni.
I'd also want to see the detail about what the antenna type is for each of the distant and blocked nodes. If it's a smaller non beam antenna, it isn't putting much rf out to interfere. If someone put up a powerful tight beam dish and is blasting away from 25 miles distant, that's a larger problem.
All in all, it looks like you are securely on mesh even if not absolutely perfect.
Hi, Ed.
I have never done a mesh map. I searched on the AREDN web site for "mesh map" and it led me to the web site of KG6WXC. But it suggests that experience with Linux/Apache/SQL is needed. I have a little experience with Linux but none with Apache or SQL. If there's a way I can get the mesh map for you I'll give it a try.
As you mention, except for the one RF connection to Wiedemann Hill that has a better connection than I have, all the rest seem to be pretty low. I've been thinking that their signal levels are so low that they wouldn't have much effect on my connection. On the other hand, I'm just looking for a few more dB of SNR. Maybe those other combined signals are enough to reduce my SNR.
I don't have any way to contact those other users. I'll see if I can navigate to those nodes on the mesh and collect the LQ/NLQ and antenna types (if I can get to them at all).
Also as you say, my connection isn't too bad, but not quite good enough to have acceptable voice quality on my VoIP phone system. Might be ok for a lower bandwidth application.
However, we are getting off topic.
Install KG6WXC's 'mesh map' service on your network.
Tunnel to a network that already has this service. (PM me if you are interested.)
The San Francisco Bay area used to have a 'mesh map' service:
IMHO, the primary goal is 100% LQ/NLQ.
Then, the higher the SNR, the faster the modulation scheme.
The faster the modulation scheme, the more time others can use the channel.
73, Chuck
I haven't had time to do any more work towards the mesh map but I do have some new information.
As I said previoulsy, the Wiedemann Hill node is linked to another node (KK6LSK) that is getting much better SNR than I'm getting (SNR of 36/33). The owner of that node responded to me today and graciously agreed to shut down his node temporarily so that I could see if it has any effect on the SNR (as Wiedeman Hill looks at my node). I've included two screen captures below. The first is the Neighbor Status page for the Wiedemann Hill node with KK6LSK's node turned on. The second screen capture is the Neighbor Status page for the Wiedemann Hill node with KK6LSK's node turned off (taken about 3 hous after KK6LSK turned off his node). The result is that there is no change to the SNR with which Wiedemann Hill is seeing my node whether KK6LSK's node is turned on or off. Does this make sense?
The upper image below is of Wiedemann Hill neighbor status with KK6LSK turned on:
The lower image is of the Wiedemann Hill neighbor status with KK6LSK turned off:
Good news that the strong signal isn't messing with your link. I think Chuck was more concerned with the lower power signals that are being blocked ... the best way to see how they look from the view of the Omni is to use the wifi scan from the main status page, but you have to have password access to the Omni to do that. That will show you every signal that the Omni sees.
If the tower operator wants to serve people in all directions, then the Omni is pretty good up there. Three sectors in theory would be stronger, but then the tower operator now has to run more cables, use three times the power, have three mounts instead of one, and also put a switch up there so they are all dtd and then operate on three frequencies(channels). There are valid arguments either way. If you want to play with different antennas on your end to improve your link then go ahead as you can do this without hiring a climber.
All in all, I don't think your numbers are too shabby. Have fun!
Ed et alia:
"to serve people in all directions, then the Omni is pretty good up there."
Uh, er, please look around your area and note the ratio of cellular towers with
one Omni .vs. (sets of) 3 sector antennas. ;-)
IMHO, throughput when sharing an Omni switch is inversely proportional to the
(number_of_downlink_nodes -1) squared.
"tower operator now has to run more cables(Not),...put a switch up there(Yep)"
The existing one cable plus one switch can power and DtD 3 nodes.
Solution: Ubiquiti N-SW (up there) and POE-24-30W (indoor POE replacement)
73, Chuck
The only part of what I don't get is if you are suggesting there is an outdoor rated POE switch that could run all three sectors from up in the air (if the tower owner was willing). All switches I've seen outdoors are in waterproof cabinets. Quite a lot of work we're proposing for the tower owner/operator who has not been approached. I'm glad there's anything at all up there to work with now, wish I could get a similar setup on several towers here ...
Also, not bad as the Omni is currently serving three or four users ... the others are blocked due to poor S/N or other criteria. What I still haven't seen is the geographic layout of all the folks trying to connect. That would be very illuminating.
Hi, Ed:
Ideal would be point-to-point dishes for each (uplink and downlink ends). lol.
The top image in
indicates 10 other nodes are transmitting. 'Blocked' does not make them QRT, only not-added-to routing tables.
The Ubiquiti N-SW is outdoor rated: POE/LAN/DtD in POE/DtD out.
If 2 new sector nodes were installed, those and the existing Omni could be DtD'ed and powered.
I have at least 4 in service.
A network map with street-map background would be marvelous.
If John could/would tunnel with a network with a 'mesh-map' server, then
the geography/topology could be viewed. ;-)
I am offering, temporarily, said tunnel.
I've been wrapped up in another project all day and I have to leave now to support a ham club meeting (I set up and run a Zoom meeting so that remote club members can join the meeting.)
I will try to figure out how to get the mesh map but it may take a couple of days.
Your offer of the tunnel (temporarily) is appreciated.
I'll be working on this but today is gone and most of tomorow I'll be out of the area.
I probably won't be able to devote much time to this until Sunday.
Thanks for all the help.
I do not understand your questions.
I do not understand your use of 'antenna'.
AFAIK, all AREDN nodes/devices are radio/antenna sets.
Antennas are not configurable by the owner/operator via AREDN GUI settings.
With default AREDN settings and a N-SW:
It is as though the POE'ed nodes are on a simple switch.
You cannot attach a laptop to the LAN port of the POE and get access to a specific node.
A device on the indoor POE's LAN port (Raspberry Pi, laptop,...) would access whichever N-SW's node's DHCP server responded first.
If indoor services are desired, a Mikrotik hAP (DtD port) could be connected to the POE's LAN port.
Services could be added to the hAP's LAN ports.
DtD is passed on a simple switch, so DtD is passed down to the POE's LAN port.
With default node configuration:
1 24V-30W POE, 1 cable, 1 N-SW, 3 cables to 3 nodes.
2 24V-30W POE with ethernet cable in LAN ports, 2 cables, 2 N-SW, 6 cables to 6 nodes.
3 24V-30W POE with LANs connected via simple switch, 3 cables, 3 N-SW, 9 cables to 9 nodes.
I hope there was an answer to your questions.
73, Chuck
I spent today working on getting the mesh map.
The URL with the instructions I used is here: https://gitlab.kg6wxc.net/mesh/meshmap
Using the instructions that KG6WXC provides on github, I repurposed a Raspberry Pi 4 and installed the current version of Raspbian, Apache web server, PHP, and MariaDB. I think I've done all that correctly but I'm not at all certain that it's all correct.
Step 4.5 of the procedure has you do a test run of the script. I ran the script with the extension that directs the output to the console. The output (partial screen capture below) that I see looks OK to me (but how would I know otherwise).
When I run the "get-map-info.php" script without extension, am I supposed to get an output file named "httpd-meshmap.conf-default "?
Step 5 of the procedure asks me to copy that file to the apache2 directory but I don't see that output file anywhere.
Anyway, that's where I'm at. Could be I've missed something somewhere. If someone can direct me to where in the file structure I can find that file I'd appreciate it. Or maybe you can provide some input on how I can confirm that the script is, in fact, running correctly.
Hi, John:
You should have received that file when you followed 1.
1: Clone the projects directory from the git repository and enter it
git clone https://mapping.kg6wxc.net/git/meshmap ; cd meshmap
73, Chuck
Hi, Chuck.I did execute Step 1 of KG6WXC's procedure. But maybe I put it in the wrong place.
I was in my user directory when I executed the git clone command so that's where the new meshmap directory is located on my Pi.
My user directory is located at /home/john. The screen capture below shows the directory structure on my Pi, starting at the top and progressing down to my user directory (john), then the meshmap directory, then the folders in the meshmap directory. Did I put it in the wrong place?
(Sorry for the poor image quality of the screen capture. I tried it a couple of different ways but couldn't get it any better.)
Thanks again,
gelmce@nc8q-mesh-map:~ $ ls -l
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 gelmce gelmce 4096 May 23 09:23 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x 5 gelmce gelmce 4096 May 23 09:46 meshmap
drwxrwxrwx 2 gelmce gelmce 4096 May 23 09:27 tmp
gelmce@nc8q-mesh-map:~ $ ls -l meshmap
total 144
-rw-r--r-- 1 gelmce gelmce 23182 May 23 09:02 CHANGELOG.md
-rw-r--r-- 1 gelmce gelmce 575 May 23 09:02 CONTRIBUTING.md
-rw-r--r-- 1 gelmce gelmce 35150 May 23 09:02 COPYING
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gelmce gelmce 111 May 23 09:46 cronscript.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gelmce gelmce 107 May 23 09:45 cronscript.sh~
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gelmce gelmce 107 May 23 09:02 cronscript.sh-default
-rw-r--r-- 1 gelmce gelmce 489 May 23 09:02 custom.inc-default
-rw-r--r-- 1 gelmce gelmce 858 May 23 09:02 httpd-meshmap.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 gelmce gelmce 10788 May 23 09:02 node_map.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 gelmce gelmce 16580 May 23 09:02 README.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 gelmce gelmce 15114 May 23 09:02 README.md
drwxr-xr-x 2 gelmce gelmce 4096 May 25 20:25 scripts
-rw-r--r-- 1 gelmce gelmce 1625 May 23 09:02 updateDBtoKilometers.sql
drwxr-xr-x 7 gelmce gelmce 4096 May 23 09:02 webpage
gelmce@nc8q-mesh-map:~ $
(I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't know how to do that from a command line window.)
To clarify, I see the file: httpd-meshmap.conf
I don't see a file named: httpd-meshmap.conf-default
Here is the meshmap directory:
john@meshmappi:~/meshmap $ ls -l
total 136
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 23182 Jul 23 05:36 CHANGELOG.md
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 575 Jul 23 05:36 CONTRIBUTING.md
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 35150 Jul 23 05:36 COPYING
-rwxr-xr-x 1 john john 107 Jul 23 05:36 cronscript.sh-default
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 489 Jul 23 05:36 custom.inc-default
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 858 Jul 23 05:36 httpd-meshmap.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 10788 Jul 23 05:36 node_map.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 16580 Jul 23 05:36 README.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 15114 Jul 23 05:36 README.md
drwxr-xr-x 2 john john 4096 Jul 23 13:28 scripts
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 1625 Jul 23 05:36 updateDBtoKilometers.sql
drwxr-xr-x 7 john john 4096 Jul 23 05:36 webpage
john@meshmappi:~/meshmap $
Here is the scripts directory under meshmap:
john@meshmappi:~/meshmap/scripts $ ls -l
total 252
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 11707 Jul 23 05:36 checkDB.inc
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 2404 Jul 23 05:36 gethostbyaddr.inc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 john john 33473 Jul 23 05:36 get-map-info.php
-rwxr-xr-x 1 john john 35796 Jul 23 05:36 get-map-info.php.old
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 53138 Jul 23 05:36 map_functions.inc
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 1169 Jul 23 05:36 meshmap-settings.ini-default
-rwxr-xr-x 1 john john 19982 Jul 23 05:36 parallel_node_polling.php
-rwxr-xr-x 1 john john 22208 Jul 23 05:36 parallel_node_polling.php.old
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 8724 Jul 23 06:31 user-settings.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 8745 Jul 23 05:36 user-settings.ini-default
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 8725 Jul 23 07:21 user-settings.ini.save
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 27942 Jul 23 05:36 wxc_functions.inc
john@meshmappi:~/meshmap/scripts $
And here is the webpage directory under meshmap:
john@meshmappi:~/meshmap/webpage $ ls -l
total 76
drwxr-xr-x 2 john john 4096 Jul 23 05:36 admin
drwxr-xr-x 3 john john 4096 Jul 23 05:36 css
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 15086 Jul 23 05:36 favicon.ico
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 2372 Jul 23 05:36 help_msg.html
drwxr-xr-x 3 john john 4096 Jul 23 05:36 images
lrwxrwxrwx 1 john john 15 Jul 23 05:36 index.php -> map_display.php
drwxr-xr-x 2 john john 4096 Jul 23 05:36 javascripts
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 22282 Jul 23 05:36 map_display.php
lrwxrwxrwx 1 john john 15 Jul 23 05:36 map.php -> map_display.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 john john 9737 Jul 23 05:36 node_report.php
drwxr-xr-x 2 john john 4096 Jul 23 05:36 webfonts
john@meshmappi:~/meshmap/webpage $
After chipping away at this some more, it appears that I actually got a mesh map. I tried to load the html file but this site doesn't accept that. I saved the map as a jpg file. That's probably not of much use but at least it shows where I'm at.
In order for the mesh map to be viewable for you, do I need to go through the process of making my apache web server public by setting up a Virtual Private Server, etc.? I don't currently have a VPS. Is there another way? Maybe an AREDN tunnel?