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Mikro Tik LHG HP5 Setup

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AC7II's picture
Mikro Tik LHG HP5 Setup
I just setup a Mikro Tik hAP AC lite Router I also bought a Mikro Tik LHG P5 Dish Antenna and was trying to flash it similar to the the same was I did the Router but it doesn't seem to work. When I to reset the Device by holding in the reset button the Tiny PXE Server never see the Device. I noticed that the LHG HP5 is on so I mad sure my computer was on that Network. and I had the Factory Firmware downloaded and linked to the Tiny PXE. 
Is there a different procedure for setting up this Device? 
nc8q's picture
Mikrotik LHG HP5 install trouble  

It seems that you are not getting to step "4."
because if the device is responding to,
it is not in PXE client mode.
I suggest you try to install from the Router OS using the
instructions close to the top of the link above:
"The easiest way is to use the device’s reset button as described in the procedure below.
If for some reason this does not work, then you can try logging into the Mikrotik RouterOS and
setting System > Routerboard > Settings > Boot Device to try-ethernet-once-then-nand
(either through the RouterOS web interface or via command line).
Next time the device boots it will try Etherboot once before defaulting back to regular boot mode."

73, Chuck

AC7II's picture
Mikrotik LHG HP5 install trouble
I was able to finally get it flashed with the Factory Bin but when I tried to do the update to the sys it kept saying that that file didn't work then I couldn't get the screen to come back. I may have messed up by changing the Callsign from Nocall to my Callsign before getting that 2nd file updated
nc8q's picture
Install the sysupgrade Firmware Image
2. ...immediately navigate to the Firmware Update section.
Browse to find the sysupgrade bin file you previously downloaded and click the Upload button.


I've made the same mistake
I've made the same mistake many times ... too eager to get to the finish line.  I teach other folks how to do this and they all want to do it all at once ... the initial install process is a bit fussy but it does work.

AC7II's picture
Thats not the problem every
Thats not the problem every time I try to upload the File it says it does not recognize that file so it error out.
nc8q's picture
the File it says it does not recognize that file so it error out
I do not want to assume what you have done up to this point.
Please, more details.
Where were you in the install process?

'the File'
Exactly which file?
'says it does not recognize'
What is 'it', Router OS, PXE server, dmsmasq, boot of factory.bin ?
73, Chuck

Fair enough.  This stuff can
Fair enough.  This stuff can get really weird.

Mikro Tik LHG P5?  Do you mean LHG HP5?  LHG5?  XL?  AC?  US?

There are so many variations of these products, how about taking a picture of the product id label and posting.  Someone here with more experience might spot a firmware mismatch to what you are doing.

AC7II's picture
Ok I got some help from a
Ok I got some help from a friend Tyler Gardner KI7ODK from the Dayton area. I think my  mistake was several of the videos I watched had you rename the Kernal file to a short name like rb.bin. So I thought I was supposed to do the same with the the sysupgrade file so I named it something different and tried using that. Tyler said just keep it the same as long name and that worked. 
Now I have my Mikro Tik hAP ac lite and my Mikro Tik LHG HP5 both talking to each other and have turned on the POE on the hAP. 
Thanks everyone for the help. No one around here yet to connect to bbut I have been having some meeting promoting Mesh and there is lots of intrest so we just need to get some guys going.

nc8q's picture
promoting Mesh in Utah
Hi, Ted:
Tyler is active in our local Southwest Ohio AREDN network.
I suggest that you reach out to KG7QWU.
I see 2 of his nodes on the World Map and on our local SUPERNODE link page.
Richard may be able to assist you with a tunnel and in promoting AREDN in Utah.
73, Chuck


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