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MeshChat on Windows

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N5MXI's picture
MeshChat on Windows

This is probably a dumb question but can MeshChat be loaded on Windows instead of on an Rpi and the API loaded on the node?

There are no stupid questions
There is a version of MeshChat that can be put on an X86 machine but you still have to put something on an AREDN node to point to the database.  Others who have done this will chime in.

MeshChat is such as small piece of code that it fits nicely and works just fine as an app on the node itself so frankly I would start with that.  It doesn't seem to use too much memory on a device with 64MB or more.

N5MXI's picture
I wish I could

I wish I could load MeshChat completely on my node. Unfortunately, my MikroTik hap lite has very limited memory.

MeshChat is running just fine
MeshChat is running just fine completely on my hAP.  I don't know what's the issue for your installation.

nc8q's picture
MeshChat on Windows
Hi, David:

The current MeshChat is written in the Lua scripting language.
There are MeshChat packages for AREDN and Debian.
I am not aware of a MeshChat package for Windows.
A first step might be to install Lua on your Windows server.
A Windows server requires more desktop/shelf space and more electrticity($) than an AREDN node or a Raspberry Pi.

73, Chuck

Just a bit of correction. The
Just a bit of correction. The MeshChat Debian package (v1.0.2) is Perl based, quite dated and no longer supported. There will be a Debian package that is LUA based in the relatively near future, but it will take a bunch of rewriting to remove dependencies on LUA packages that are only available on OpenWRT.

In theory (far from being a certainty) once the LUA version of MeshChat is running on Linux it could run on Windows, but I have no plans to support a Windows port. I am suspecting that the rewrite will need to use a couple of UNIX commands that are not available on Windows thus complicating trying to make MeshChat run on Windows. If so inclined it may run under WSL.

Gerard, WTØF


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