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LU Tunnel request

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LU Tunnel request
Hi! i'm Julian, from Argentina, i'm setting up my first AREDN node. I have an hAP and a TPLink CPE210. Unfortunately, there are no other nodes in a radius of 1200km from my QTH!, only a few nodes in other provinces of the country. Would anyone be interested in sharing your credentials and making a tunnel with me at lest for a few hours to test this feature? Thank you!
w6bi's picture
Tunnel request
Julian, send your nodename to me; I'll send you the tunnel client config parameters.
Orv W6BI
Hi, Orv! I've send you an
Hi, Orv! I've send you an email with the node name. Make sure to check the spam folder since I use protonmail. Thank you!
LU4EOU's picture
tunnel request
Hi Julian, I sent you an email to contact us, here in Bahía Blanca we can also enable a tunnel for testing. Best regards.

Hola Julian, te envie un correo para contactarte, aqui en Bahia Blanca tambien podriamos habilitar un tunel para pruebas. Saludos

Mario, LU4EOU

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