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Local Service not detected

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Local Service not detected
  I've been setting up private AllStar nodes at several locations. I have the same ASL setup at each site. I believe I'm doing the same thing at each site, but one is not behaving the same. Here is my situation:
  • Running AREDN on a GL.iNet GL-AR750
  • I reserve the IP for the device (a Dell Wyse 3040), making sure the "Do not Propogate" is unchecked.
  • I setup an alias for each node running on the server, in this case 4931 and 4999, as well as a service for a webserver running on port 80 on the device
  • The node does not detect the service​. Entering the device URL does not work (ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED).
  • Accessing the web server directly via the reserved IP address works perfectly.
I have 3 other nodes setup exactly the same (with different hardware/names/IPs obviously) that are working exactly as expected. This one seems to not do the name to IP resolution needed to work. I have re-flashed the node firmware, rebooted, removed and re-added everything. I don't know what else to try to resolve this issue. Any suggestions?
w6bi's picture
Local Services
Here's my setup for comparison - does yours look similar to this?

Orv W6BI
I ended up pulling out a
I ended up pulling out a second GL750 I have (what sane person has two of these??), set it up the same way, and it is working as expected. I don't know what the root cause was on the other device. I'm using it to demo AllStar and AREDN to my club in a couple weeks.


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