I’m checking to see if there is there a way to limit the number of nodes that can connect to a given node? It’s been over two year from what I can research on the website, and the previous aredn.org links are not working. Dose any one know?
I’m checking to see if there is there a way to limit the number of nodes that can connect to a given node? It’s been over two year from what I can research on the website, and the previous aredn.org links are not working. Dose any one know?
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#211 and #212 deal primarily with White-list and Black-list. I think the OP was referring to the *number* of nodes connecting in (like the flood we got here last fall from an OC tunnel into the the LV valley). I'd suggest someone more technical than I write up a feature request to limit based on "distance" and/or connectability so that OLSR (and status pages, etc) doesn't get swamped by very distant links (like from tunnels etc).
- Don - AA7AU
Thank you
Andre, K6AH
All that being said, if a sane implementation is thought up, I'd overall be in favor of being able to blacklist certain nodes.
saying something like, “here’s all you gotta do to get free internet is this” is akin to cutting open a bag of cash to observe the ensuing melee.
I loved living in SE AK, it’s a tough place to live requiring becoming resourceful and maintaining tenacity so you can “do what you gotta do”.
Not trying to say anything negative, just trying to provide prospective.
You can’t just jump in your car and leave, go down to the store and buy a six pack, or hit the Friday Night Walmart Date Scene.
You have to live alongside people you may not like but you learn to get along best you can.
Applying a (blacklist) limit at one node is reasonable. The chance of turning to another node is likely very small if even possible.
There is always the potential for there to be folks to attempt nefarious things. But I think there is a legitimate need to have a feature of this nature to help with network management. I've had several situations where if I could have used a blacklist I could have prevented a poor link from clogging up the works without resorting to other network management mechanisms, like frequency management. Actually, I still have a couple of these coincidental links that pop up. Simply being able to blacklist a node on a particular node might help cure the problem. Alternatively, there could be times where I may want the last station on a link to connect to just one other node...hence a whitelist option could be useful.
For me its less of a "keep the bad actors off" situation, and more of a network management tool to help with throughput. It's not that I don't want a node on the network, it's that I want to be able to control network flow for efficiency.
Kent, KL5T
Anchorage, Alaska