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LAN Access Point not working on 3.22.6 and 3.22.8

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n5hzr's picture
LAN Access Point not working on 3.22.6 and 3.22.8
I've been running a GLi-AR150 for a year or so with a LAN Access Point on channel 6, running WPA2-PSK. It had worked just fine.

After updating to software I'm no longer able to see the LAN Wi-Fi on my laptop sitting next to the router. I changed all of the parameters and rebooted, but it still doesn't show up. Updating to software hasn't helped the condition. 

Any thoughts? Anything that I can do to help you test/fix this?
n5hzr's picture
Here's a screenshot of the
Here's a screenshot of the setup for this router.
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nc8q's picture
AR150/750 Access Point not working on 3.22.8
Nor my AR-150 and AR-750.
KN6PLV's picture
I have both an AR-150 and AR
I have both an AR-150 and AR-750 running on and and have tried LAN access with them with success. Not immediately useful to you both, but just to let you know that it's not irreversibly broken. 

Would it be possible for one (or both) of you to post both a screenshot of the basic setup page and the supportdata for that same node at the same time? That would make it easier to debug.

nc8q's picture
Would it be possible

Sure thing.
Neither the AR150 nor the AR750 are discovered with a Wi-Fi Scan.
With the AR750, I am trying to use the 2 GHz radio as an AP and the 5 GHz radio as a client.


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n5hzr's picture
Ask, and ye shall receive.
Ask, and ye shall receive. Basic settings and a supportdata file. Thanks
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n5hzr's picture
Well, lookkee there...
Well, lookkee there...

It was on channel 6, and I had tried channel 1. However, I hadn't tried channel 11. Changing it to channel 11 and then rebooting brought the AP to life!!!

So, to help diagnose this, I have attached a screen shot of the basic settings and the supportdata file.

Thanks, and good luck to those chasing the bug.

73 - Mark
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Issue opened for the dev team

An issue has been opened to track this problem for the development team.  It occurs across all vendors (GL.iNet, Mikrotik, Ubiquiti) when using the 2GHz radio as a LAN Access Point on channel 6.  Other channels are okay.

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