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KK6NHN in EDH working to expand Sacramento regional coverage

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KK6NHN in EDH working to expand Sacramento regional coverage
Hey all,

I'm looking to help start expanding Sacramento regional coverage. I've been in touch with KQ6EO to look into linking up on RF with his node in Citrus Heights, but I'm also looking to consider blanketing Folsom from my QTH here on the hill in EDH. If anyone else wants to link up on RF, please reply here and let's discuss.

Sacramento Regional Coverage
Hi Kevin -
KQ6EO - Tom is probably the best contact for AREDN in Sacramento......I am on his AREDN tunnel with a Mikrotik hAP ac lite and since May 2024, I publish a Satellite GOES18 Weather Images site. There is no one that I have found in the Carmichael area using RF for AREDN, so unless you have a really tall tower access, we will likely remain to be stuck with a tunnel connection.  I was hoping for a more rapid development but at least Tom's tunnel efforts got us into the AREDN mainstream......

Wally Dunning
Wednesday Noon-Net Control - W6AK Repeater

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