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Is it possible to roll back to factory firmware?

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Is it possible to roll back to factory firmware?
Hi all,
I apologize if this is covered already, I didn't find it after a quick search of the forums and a Google search. I am new here and I was just wondering if it is it possible to roll back to factory firmware after AREDN firmware is flashed to a device?


nc8q's picture
search of the forums and a Google search.
I recommend searching the manufacturers support page.
You did not mention the manufacturer, so ....

73, Chuck

Thanks Chuck, more of a
Thanks Chuck, more of a general inquiry. I don't have any hardware yet, but im thinking about possibly getting a couple of ubiquiti nanostations to do some testing with.
k1ky's picture
Factory Firmware Rollback
UBNT Factory re-load is possible.  Pretty much any manufacturer equipment can be reloaded with factory firmware,
Excellent, just wanted to
Excellent, just wanted to make sure it was possible to roll back before I start diving in. Thanks for the responses!

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