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iperfspeed confusion

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iperfspeed confusion
I've had iperfspeed installed on several nodes and it works.  However I decided to fool around with the new checkbox in advanced settings on and see if that makes the old package obsolete.

I managed to confuse myself quite nicely, so some questions.  Simply checking the box in the advanced settings does not make an iperfspeed link on the node, and I could not make a link to the pre-installed package.  I used port 8080/iperfspeed like with the previous packages and it did not create a link.  Hmmm.

Then I unchecked the settings slider, and relinked to the existing iperfspeed lua package and it came back.  However there were only a few nodes available to test.  If I left the package linked but then went back and enabled the advanced settings slider, now I have a large list of nodes to test with.

I see on another node that I have on, I can use the slider.  That node does not have a linked instance of iperfspeed.  However if I go back to my other node with the package installed that remote node now shows up in the list of available nodes to test.

The question is ... shouldn't I be able to move the slider, and then advertise this as available so I can access it from that node?

w6bi's picture
iperf vs. iperfspeed
Ed, it doesn't work that way.   iperfspeed is a loadable module that displays the iperfspeed part of the UI.   It depends on the iperf function, which is now part of the AREDN package.  The slider just enables and disables that function.  Disabling will of course disable iperfspeed.

Iperf can be used directly in the current UI without having to install iperfspeed.  Info here:

BTW, functionality similar to iperfspeed (but better IMO) will be built-in to the new UI.

Orv W6BI

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