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IP Camera

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IP Camera
I added an IP camera to one of my subnets.  Accessing the camera with a browser using It’s IP works just fine on it’s own subnet.  When I try to access the camera from another subnet, I can log in but I don’t see video.  I set the camera up at 720p @ 10 frames a second.  What am I missing?

KD1HA's picture

Need more info; are you using the same browser and laptop at both locations? What browser are you using and is it Windows or Linux? What brand camera are you using? So many possible issues for each one I almost don't know where to begin!     
I'll do the best I can from a Windows user's perspective. 

I used the same computer on
I used the same computer on both subnet.   I tried Firefox, Brave and Edge on Windows 11.  The camera is a Chinese PoE IP Indoor/Outdoor Dome Camera. I tried to setup iSPY software but don't know if I had the right product. 
nc8q's picture
I added an IP camera to one of my subnets.
"Where in the documentation is 'subnets' explained?"
Why do you have more than one 'subnet'?
Each node has a 'DHCP, Port Forwarding, and Services' area.
Does your camera obtain an IP address from a/the node?
Does your camera have a 'DHCP Reservation'?
Does your camera have a 'Current DHCP Lease'?
Does your camera appear in 'Advertised Services'?

73, Chuck

I have three Mikrotik ac hap
I have three Mikrotik ac hap lite APs.  Each has it's own local subnet.  My camera does have an IP address from one of the nodes and a DHCP reservation.  It does have a current lease.  I have meshchat in Advertised Services.  I'm not sure how to add the camera.  
KD1HA's picture
Another important question is
Another important question is how old is the camera? Is it one that you just picked up or one the has been in a box for several years? Not trying to be difficult here but cameras and other devices are subject to proprietary sub files to make them work... especially windows! Example I have to use Edge IE Mode to run my cameras and every 30 days or so it requires a update to the IE Mode IP address. Most of the Chinese cameras will only work on Internet Explorer or IE Mode even now and they have not updated to todays OS. 

w6bi's picture
What Denis said!
What Denis said - old cameras are awful to work with - wonky interfaces, poor protocol support, and the oldest ones require IE6 and some proprietary plugin.

Any camera produced in the last few years supports most browsers, has a nice interface, and supports a multitude of standard interfaces.   

That's not to say they're bug-free; a higher-end PTZ camera we purchased a couple of years ago worked fine on a class C network, but refused to accept a class C subnet from an AREDN DHCP server.   It took about a year for them to update the firmware to correct that.   But overall newer cameras are better.  And not especially expensive.

Orv W6BI
The camera is new.  The
The camera is new.  The firmware is from May of 2023.  I tried IE Mode but that didn't work either.  I'm going to be showcasing my mesh at our ham club tomorrow as a show you equipment and was really hoping to have video but I can explain I"m still working on it.  Thanks for your help.  I'll keep plugging away.
KD1HA's picture
Can you ping the camera IP? I

Can you ping the camera IP? I'd like to help you more if i can. Email me and we can take it to another level. 

I contacted the distributor. 
I contacted the distributor.  They told me to do what Denis told me to by using Edge with IE Mode.  They also told me how to add a plug-in to Edge.  It seems to work across the mesh but barely.  I'll take it for now.  I'll work on it more after tomorrows show and tell.  I should have enough for a WOW factor.  I have chat, a PBX and video.   This is really fun. 

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