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Intermittent Node

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Intermittent Node
I have a Ubiquiti NanoStation M2 XW which works great and then intermittently performs poorly or is not visible on the network.  Problems takes too long to respond.  I am suspecting an interfering signal, but not sure how to troubleshoot this problem.  Is there a diagnostic build which will tell me what signals the device is hearing and the signal strength?

More information:  
I've attached a pdf with the mesh status and the WiFi scan.
The scan indicates a good signal to a nearby water tower sited node.  I'm a little confused about the other items in the list. The two at the top appear to be "internal" nodes not sure what this means.

My node WB5HSI-nsm2 shows two channels -4 and -2 which seems strange.  I'm not sure what the scan is telling me.

The Node Status page show LQ / NLQ and 100% / 88% respectively and 50db SNR but the quality is 68%  I have high ping times and packet loss.  Sometimes the link is solid.   The water tower node is a Ubiquiti Rocket M2

I need a strategy to solve this problem.  

Thanks in advance!

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