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intergrated antennas firmware - MikroTik SXTsq 5 ac

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intergrated antennas firmware - MikroTik SXTsq 5 ac
I'm looking at the mikrotik series of antennas for my next purchase into my AREDN adventure.  Namely the MikroTik SXTsq 5 ac. Does the AREDN firmware load like the HAP ac lite or is there other ways it needs to accomplished? 

Any help is greatly appreciated.
nc8q's picture
Mikrotik radios have built-in antennas
Short answer is yes.  Pay
Short answer is yes.  Pay close attention to the top of the information which applies to newer equipment, once you have solved the possible issues about the factory firmware than it should be easier to flash than your hAP as you don't have to move the ethernet cable ... there is only one port.

i had no issues with the hap
i had no issues with the hap ac lite. Well the first time i did! Then i bought a second unit it went much better than the first. I was just concerned with the antennas but i guess it just the same process since its the same manufacture.
Your hAP also has antennas,
Your hAP also has antennas, in fact two of them!  Put the SXT face down or facing out a window as it is more powerful and directional.  Both are AREDN radios/computers/routers and the process is similar. 


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