Of course if you have two nodes on the same band, you can do a wifi scan with the 2nd node to find out your first node's BSSID. I have a Bullet M2 with a BSSID of C6:F4:28:3D:E6:8D On my Bullet's status page it says under the wifi address fe80::6a72:51ff:fe06:af5d Link. The bullet's MAC address is 68:72:51:07:AF:5D
I can see some of the MAC address in the number below the wifi address, but is there any relationship between the BSSID and the MAC address? Or is the BSSID randomly made up? And how do I find it out if I don't have a 2nd node on the same band? SSH and vi some file in the mode?
I can see some of the MAC address in the number below the wifi address, but is there any relationship between the BSSID and the MAC address? Or is the BSSID randomly made up? And how do I find it out if I don't have a 2nd node on the same band? SSH and vi some file in the mode?
Until then, there is a command line:
root@AE6XE-RM5GPS:~# iw wlan0 scan
BSS 96:d7:80:93:c7:01(on wlan0) -- joined
TSF: 0 usec (0d, 00:00:00)
freq: 5745
beacon interval: 500 TUs
capability: IBSS (0x0002)
signal: 0.00 dBm
last seen: 270463300 ms ago
That works, iw wlan0 scan
I noticed that the BSSID changed since yesterday. Seems it changes when you reboot.