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How to do de-centralized communication over the mesh?

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How to do de-centralized communication over the mesh?
I was wondering if they is any existing way to do de-centralized communication over the mesh. As I assume UDP Multicast won't go past the mesh node it originated at. 

K5DLQ's picture
MeshChat does it via a

MeshChat does it via a polling/sync mechanism.
I.e.   Poll nodes to discover which services are being advertised.  If they are advertising meshchat, pull the messages. etc.


K6CCC's picture
MeshChat works, but is slow
K5DLQ beat me to it.  MeshChat was written specifically for that purpose, and it works.  I have only two issues with it.  First is that if you install MeshChat on a Raspberry Pi (recommended over installing it on an AREDN node), you MUST install an interface program on the attached AREDN node - and remember to re-install that after EVERY firmware update on the node (frequently forgotten).  Failing to do so results in one way sync between MeshChat installations.  Second issue is that MeshChat is painfully slow to communicate between stations logged into different MeshChat installations.  Between stations that are both logged into the same MeshChat installation, it is plenty fast enough.

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