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Help with time server

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Help with time server

Good morning.
I'm new here to AREDN and am just getting familiar with the systems.  My group is working on a ARDEN island and just put up 4 ubiquiti radios this week.
The problem I'm having is that each location has a shack using Raspberry Pi's as the main ham computers.  Without internet, the pi's drift off of time and that impacts programs like JS8Call.

I have a Pi3 I'm setting up for Raspbx / MeshChat / FTP and future projects that is connected and assigned on my node.  I followed the guide here for getting my gps puck to provide system time to that pi.

I then set my ubiquiti to look at the pi for the time server but it doesnt seem to be serving time at all.
I'm obviously missing a component here.  Any help would be appreciated.



AE6XE's picture
guessing, make sure the
guessing, make sure the firewall is open for the ports in use to reach the pi.
N2MH's picture
From Chrony FAQ

Don't know if you saw this, but it might be your issue.

2.2. How do I make an NTP server from an NTP client?

You need to add an allow directive to the chrony.conf file in order to open the NTP port and allow chronyd to reply to client requests. allow with no specified subnet allows access from all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

73, Mark

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