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Help with kn6plv's whereandwhen

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Help with kn6plv's whereandwhen
I've installed whereandwhen but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I'm running on a Mikrotik hap ac lite with a VK-162 GPS receiver.

What should be happening? Is there any way to see a log file of activity?
Verify the packages are installed and check time/location source
The whereandwhen package allows your node and any local DTD nodes to get their time and location from the gps puck.  Using the new UI you can check the list of packages to see whether whereandwhen and all of its dependencies show that they are installed.  If so, then you should see whether your node's time and location show this source:  (gps)

So a hAP ac lite with the GPS
So a hAP ac lite with the GPS puck in the USB port will give all DTD nodes at that site time and location.  Cool.

Does this create a ntp server that other nodes on the mesh can also use?

Thanks, I see it say gps now.
Thanks, I see it say gps now.
If It get "time (gps)" but
If It get "time (gps)" but not "location (gps)" does that mean it has not tracked enough satellites to get the location?

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