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Hardware is M3 but Freq select in 5GHz range

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k0jpr's picture
Hardware is M3 but Freq select in 5GHz range

I have five NanoBridge M365 units. I flashed them with File: aredn-
When I go to setup, the frequency selection is in the 5GHz range, not 3GHz.
Thanks, Tom

K6AH's picture
M365s are not supported
Check the Supported Devices Matrix before purchasing devices.  M365s are not M3s.  The devices you have are hardware constrained to 3.65 GHz and unusable in the ham band.

Andre, K6AH
k0jpr's picture

Thank you very much! Lucky I didn't pay much for the units.

Andre, now I see what you are talking about. The Supported Platform Matrix NEEDS AN UPDATE with a "M3 **5" note so people like me will look to the "fine print".

Thanks again, Tom, K0JPR

k0jpr's picture
Can I use the M365 as a Tunnel
Since I can NOT use the M365 as an RF node on the mesh, can I use the M365 as a Tunnel Node via NetGear switch with DtD?
Thanks, Tom K0JPR
AE6XE's picture
Yes, disable RF mesh in basic
Yes, disable RF mesh in basic setup.  All functionality is expected to work.   Except, this device has hardware filtering and while it thinks everything is working in firmware, the hardware blocks.      These devices have 2 GHz down converters.  Just subtract 2GHz from the basic setting.    There'd probably do an RF  link on top of each other.
K5DLQ's picture
Note #5 has always been on

Note #5 has always been on the SPM page.... (but, I did add an explicit reference to the note in the table.)
Hopefully, this will help reduce the confusion in the future.


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k0jpr's picture
* needed on Matrix itself
I would suggest an * on the M3 in the matrix so attention is given to the notes, that is all I suggest...

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