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Hardware Lineup For New Network

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WW7WIL's picture
Hardware Lineup For New Network
Someone has probably already done a top 10 list of the best brands or models of hardware to start with.

Lots of times you need to work with what you have but starting from scratch, what would be your go-to models for routers, radios and antennas?

I saw a YouTube video that showed a spreadsheet of hardware but the link was expired.

I am just getting started.  Flashed my first MikroTik.
KD1HA's picture
Welcome aboard! 
Welcome aboard! 

A 100 different people will give you 100 different opinions but it all depends on your scope and the area that you want to cover. There are so many factors to consider but overall 5GHz equipment is a must as 2.4 is just not going to cut it any longer. We here in Rhode Island are using Mikrotik equipment for backbone networks and end user arrays with a few old Ubiquity nodes that at some point will be replaced with Mikrotic. Site access to buildings and towers will dictate what and where you can place equipment on the structures and a big one is distance that dictates a dish or a sector antenna! It will all fall into place for you as you gain more experience. 
The good news is everyone here is here to help you make a smooth transition! Just ask!

Denis KD1HA 
WW7WIL's picture
Great info thanks.  I live in
Great info thanks.  I live in Noth Idaho where we have low population density, tall trees and mountains.
We do tree top antenna location.
So there will be lots of long distance point to point bridges.
KD1HA's picture
Don't forget
Don't forget about the Fresnel zone too. It may it may look like you have a direct LOS but that needs to be taken into consideration, approximally 20 feet or so above any obstruction. The video above appears to be a bit low but it could be just the camera view. Pine trees love to block microwave! 

Good luck,
Denis KD1HA
Supported hardware
This link should work.
Welcome and 73

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