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hAP AC lite reflash?

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hAP AC lite reflash?
Hi! Newby here. I manage to flash and sysupgrade mine. I saved my name and password after verified. After reboot, the node start and under the name (VE3EAD-hap) says "Location Not Available". I understand that, cause I have to go to Setup again to complete the configuration but I can't because my password is not recognized. The Node IP is and DHCP my laptop with
Please, guide me to the solution or the way to re-flashed it.I'm trying to install the first node in London ON to try to create interest on the AREDN way.

VE3EAD Jorge
nc8q's picture
Failsafe Feature

Failsafe Feature

The failsafe feature is a method for restoring a node to an operational state after it has fully booted its firmware.

Press and hold the reset button for 5 seconds to reset the root password to 'hsmm' and clear DHCP leases.
Click the "Help" link found on the /Status page.
Click the 'Failsafe Feature' link.

"Press and hold the reset button for 5 seconds to reset the root password to 'hsmm' and clear DHCP leases."

I hope this helps,

Image Attachments: 
Thanks Chuck!
I follow your steps but doesn't work. First I spend 20, 30 and 40 seconds pressing the reset button and nothing happen. I can't find any place that say you have to press the reset and then plug the power. Finally, I plug the power cable with reset pressed and after 5 seconds the hAP reboot with my call at the user and my saved password. I delete the password and put there "hsmm" but the window return asking for the password again.
Then I decide to go for the second option. I plug the power cable with reset pressed this time for 15 seconds and wait for it to reboot. Same thing happen.
Then I need to go another step back and start again. Where can I go? Re-flash again? Thanks, Jorge  
nc8q's picture
The failsafe feature is a method for restoring a node to an oper
The failsafe feature is a method for restoring a node to an operational state after it has fully booted its firmware.

Hi, Jorge:

It seems to me that you are not using this procedure "after it has fully booted its firmware".

"I can't find any place that say you have to press the reset and then plug the power."
There is no place in this procedure where this is said because this procedure requires that the device be 'fully booted'.

"I delete the password and put there "hsmm" but the window return asking for the password again."
If a password is already in the password-field, then your browser may have saved a password and automagically inserted it.

"First I spend 20, 30 and 40 seconds pressing the reset button"
I first recommend only using the 5 second reset procedure.
Holding the reset button for 5 seconds after fully booted should put the device into 'user=root, password=hsmm' setup mode.
If the 5 second reset procedure fails, then try the 15 second procedure.
If that fails then go to
and reinstall the beginning.

I hope this helps,
There is a nightly build
There is a nightly build released only two days ago 10-18-2023 ... perhaps start from the beginning and try that.  If you read thru the forum you'll see there has been a lot of conversation about newer devices not behaving correctly and patches being released.

Thanks again Chuck! I will follow your instructions...
I will let you know.

Thanks Ed! I will try to re-start from the beginin
Try it again but fail
Well! This time I follow the instructions carefully, I was able to install the new kernel then after boot on Aredn firmware, I was able to upgrade to the new sysupgrade, change my node name to ve3ead-hap and put my password, verify it and save changes. The node reboot and http://localnode present it with my callsign.I went to setup and put my node name and password but the node return a new blank sing in window.
This is really frustrating. May someone has the magic trick?
Thanks in advance
Jorge VE3EAD
nc8q's picture
I went to setup and put my node name and password but the node r
"I went to setup and put my node name and password but the node return a new blank sing in window."
Hi, Jorge:

You 'sign in' with

73, Chuck

Thanks Chuck!
OK! The first time I sign in, after install the kernel, I sign in with "root" and password "hsmm".Then I upgrade to sysupgrade.
And if I understood well, after change the name of my node to "ve3ead-hap", fill twice my new password and save changes, I have to sign in with "root" and my new password?Jorge
nc8q's picture
I have to sign in with "root" and my new password?
73, Chuck

I'm in business again! I'm here on the configuration page. Can I abuse your generosity and ask you to point me to a video that can guide me on this step? Thanks again! Jorge VE3EAD
nc8q's picture
I'm here on the configuration page.
Hi, Jorge:

Configuration page?
/status /setup /mesh /ports /admin /advancedconfig
Sorry, videos don't work well for my brain.
I like the written word and snapshots.
Use your favorite search engine for "AREDN setup video"

73, Chuck
nc8q's picture
I'm here on the configuration page.
OK. Thanks!
OK. Thanks!

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