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hAP ac Lite Port 5 DtD not working?

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N7CPZ's picture
hAP ac Lite Port 5 DtD not working?
I am brand new to AREDN - just got my hAP ac Lite and LHG-5HPnD-XL flashed successfully last night. After reviewing older forum posts and the docs, it's my understanding that the hAP ac Lite is supposed to automatically form a DtD link on Port 5 with any other node plugged in there. Both devices are on the latest firmware ( The LHG-5HPnD-XL never shows up if plugged into port 5, and the port manager is not present under advanced options where I'd expect to find it along with x-link settings.

If I set the hAP ac Lite's 5 Ghz antenna to Mesh and put it on the same channel as the LHG-5HPnD-XL they see each other and mesh immediately, so it's not a power issue. Just to be safe, I turned off PoE passthrough on the hAP and powered them both separately. When my laptop is patched to the LHG-5HPnD-XL directly I can see its AREDN interface and adjust settings just fine. I've tried rebooting them while attached and not attached via patch cable to each other, tried turning the LHG-5HPnD-XL radio down and even off, and made sure both had locations set in the user interface. The hAP shows a link light on port 5 when the other node is connected through it, both when PoE passthrough is on (orange light) and when it's off (green light).

Am I doing something wrong, or is there an issue with the hardware/firmware?
nc8q's picture
hAP ac Lite Port 5 DtD not working?
1. I think the hAP-ac-lite does not have port management.
The hAP-ac2 and hAP-ac3 do have port management.

2. Try a nightly and see if DtD works as expected.

73, Chuck

N7CPZ's picture
hAP ac Lite Port 5 DtD not working?

I reflashed both of the nodes from scratch to today's nightly build (20241217-68837dbb) and they can now see each other immediately over DtD. It took doing both of the nodes for this to work. Just the hAP ac Lite wasn't sufficient.

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