I have followed the instruction to install the factory firmware on the hAP ac lite router.
Everything goes as expected until I press/hold the reset button and power on the router.
The "TFTPd: DoReadFile: rb.elf" never appears in the pxesrv window.
The only network connection on my Windows 10 machine are to a dumb switch, and the router.
Set a static IP on my PC.
This IP appears in the pxesrv list.
After I put pxesrv ONLINE I wait until "no other DHCPd detected on your LAN".
Press and hold reset, apply power, and the "TFTPd: DoReadFile: rb.elf" message never appears.
I'm perplexed?
Did you put the static IP address of your laptop in the "DHCP Server" field?

Your laptop/computer is the "server" for the node to use when it grabs the elf file.
Also, did you allow Tiny PXE through your Windows firewall?
Yes i did
Get the router out of the equation. Most likely, the router responded to the DHCP request instead (or before) the PXE server did.
Ahh...turn off Windows Firewall! I'll try that.
...and turn off laptop WiFi just in case it's on.