no power out of port 5 after flashing the hAP ac lite with AREDN .5-v3.
Is there some setting I missed?
no power out of port 5 after flashing the hAP ac lite with AREDN .5-v3.
Is there some setting I missed?
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Orv W6BI
No! If I check the box on the passthrough row I would switch off the power supply on Port 5, that is the exact contrary of what I want!
Maybe I need to use a different firmware version for the hAP ac lite.
Solved! I checked the "off" for PoE passthrough and unchecked the "on" for USB passthrough, saved and all went ok!
Now both options are checked "on". I can't understand this way, but ... it's working!
Don't worry, lots of people got that one wrong - hence the reason the page was re-written.