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hAP ac lite

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AC2OG's picture
hAP ac lite
no power out of port 5 after flashing the hAP ac lite with AREDN .5-v3.
Is there some setting I missed?

Enable PoE Passthrough
Enable PoE Passthrough, as described in the online docs here:
AC2OG's picture
Enabled PoE passthrough
in the advanced configuration, it seems all ok,  but still no power out from Port 5

AC2OG's picture
PoE passthrough
here the screenshot of my advanced configuration
File Attachment: 
w6bi's picture
Looks like you enabled the USB rather than the POE passthrough (the checkbox above USB).
Orv W6BI
AC2OG's picture
PoE passthrough

No! If I check the box on the passthrough row I would switch off the power supply on Port 5, that is the exact contrary of what I want!
Maybe I need to use a different firmware version for the hAP ac lite.
AC2OG's picture
hAP ac lite power out port 5

Solved! I checked the "off"  for PoE passthrough and unchecked the "on"  for USB passthrough, saved and all went ok!
Now both options are checked  "on". I can't understand this way, but ... it's working!
Depends on your firmware version
What you see on the Advanced Configuration page depends on which firmware version you are using. If you're on the version, then you just see checkboxes. But back in August 2020 a nice enhancement was added by Darryl K5DLQ that shows the options very clearly. If you look in the documentation link in the previous post above, you'll see how the slider helps you know when things are on or off. You would need to run a nightly build in order to see it, though.
K6CCC's picture
Prior to the re-write of that
Prior to the re-write of that page a few months ago, the wording as not very obvious - as you found.  Looking at your screen capture. it was telling you that it was off, (both in the word, and the checkbox not having a checkmark).  Compare that to the USB that was saying ON and had the checkmark.
Don't worry, lots of people got that one wrong - hence the reason the page was re-written.

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