The AREDN Project and the Miami Valley Mesh Alliance will have a large presence at Hamvention 2017. We will be in booth 1001 in Building 1 at the Greene County Fairgrounds near Xenia, Ohio. The dates are May 19, 20 and 21, 2017.
We are planning to conduct several demonstrations and answer all your questions about how mesh networking can aid your local emergency response agencies. In the AREDN Forum under General Discussion we have a thread to collect your suggestions for what you would like to see demonstrated.
Andre Hansen K6AH will do a presentation in Forum room 2 on Saturday, May 20th, from 1:30 to 2:30. He will focus on applications of an AREDN mesh network.
An active AREDN network will be in operation during Hamvention. It will operate on channel -2 with 10MHz bandwidth. You may connect to it with your portable equipment. Other bands may also be used – please check with us at our booth.
We are looking forward to seeing you there.
If you have a few AirGateways scattered around the area, you can get hundreds of hams active on your mesh network without them needing to have their own nodes. It's a great way to get started and you can even show them how they can actively use mesh apps. Trust me, they'll be hooked! Promote this properly and you'll activate a lot of new meshies. As a challenge, see how many people you can get to connect. Set up an exciting app for them to use and you'll really score. The environment is ripe for a bulletin board (aka MeshChat) for everyone to locate and chat with friends. 73, Rod WB9KMO
Mark N2MH and I have demonstrated both Android and iPhone access to a mesh network VoIP system at several hamfests. We plan to show this at Hamvention. We will post the dates and times for the demonstrations at our Hamvention booth.
We have done that, but I just want to make sure you are not doing something different that we don't know about.
Another option is the video chat server program found on this site. It runs on browsers already found on most smart phones (and, of course, laptops). I did a demo last year at a local ham fest with a pair or airRouter HP's and it worked just fine. We had the resolution set to a higher value than the default since we had a single-hop link with really good through put.
I would point out that, with two-way audio chat, you are going to want to have one of the users on a headset anyway, to avoid feedback. Practically speaking, since hamfests tend to be quite noisy, you are going to want some sort of headset anyway. In out demo, we used the video-only version of the video chat and did the talking on SIP phones. Also, the default ring tone on a typical SIP phone is hardly up to the task of getting your attention in a noisy environment, so you wil want to figure out how to put in a more shrill ring tone for your particular device.
Has anyone used the SSuite apps? They have a bunch of apps that are meant for LAN type applications.
I'd love to see video of the Saturday presentation.
Having a mic on the presenter(s) would be excellent; a nice change from the mediocre audio we frequently get from the camera mic half way back in the room.
Yeah, I'm kind of an audio snob.
Barring that, releasing the presentation slides would be nice.
CH -2 @ 10