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Grounding Straps

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Grounding Straps
Hello everyone,

Some AREDN devices have a grounding lug, either spade or screw terminal for a grounding strap.  I'm curious what gage wire is best practice if you do run a lightning safety ground wire to earth ground.

I've also seen a wide variety of devices at a wide range of price for protecting an indoor ethernet switch at the transition outdoors to indoors.  Any dos and don'ts for this?

Any other best practices to share?

K6CCC's picture
almost anything is better than nothing
The goal is draining off a static charge or pulse from a nearby strike, not trying to carry the current of a direct strike.  For that purpose, almost anything is better than nothing.  For our networking and radio stuff at work that has a requirement for high reliability, we use 6 AWG for most of that kind of stuff.

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