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Grandstrean 1600 series VoIP telephones

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Grandstrean 1600 series VoIP telephones

These series of phones work great, and will receive and dial-out calls via IP address.
They work right out-of-the-box, with no setup or configuration needed. A PBX/SIP is not required, but they work on those systems as well.

As a bonus, the phones have a small LAN switch...with  two ethernet ports total; you can plug your computers ethernet cable  into the phones second ethernet " PC" port and gain access to your Mesh node. You can surf Mesh and carry on a VoIP conversation at the same time.

I placed a How-To on my web site:


Dialing IPs in the contact list/addressbook

I'm really liking my GXP1630, especially since I figured out how to get contact list entries to dial. Enter them in the same format as you do for the Speed Dial keys, i.e. *47xxx*xxx*xxx*xxx and then go to the Settings -> Call Features and select "Yes" for "Bypass Dial Plan Through Call History and Directories." 


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N8NQH's picture
updated web page

Thanks for figuring this out, we were stumped on the Contacts List IP dialing specific... and Grandstream Support told one of our guys that "it can't be done".

I added a page to cover Speed Dial function  and Contact List:


Ordered myself a 1630 phone.
Ordered myself a 1630 phone. Looks like just the plug-in-and-go phone needed for use in the field! How does the codec on these phones handle jitter/dropped packets? Is there just silence, or something like the horrible noises D-STAR makes?
N8NQH's picture
on mine, it's silent during

on mine, it's silent (squelched) during dropped packets; you miss a syllable... but it's quiet  during those times.

1630 vs 1610

What's the advantage of the 1630 versus the 1610 other than speed dial buttons?

I just flashed my first M2 Bullet.
I am going to mount it to a L-com HG2415 vertical and install it on my tower at 45 feet. (Thanks for your website Tim)
I also have 2 Linksys routers that are flashed. (Acquired these before I discovered AREDN)
These are currently linked with the bullet. I'll replace these in the future with something that will accept the AREDN flash.

My next hurdle is to get VOIP service to work.
Then I hope to tunnel with some local hams and get some more interest generated.

N8NQH's picture

the only difference between the 1630 and the other two is the number of Speed Dial locations.

On the 1600 series... you cannot dial an IP address from the Contact list (phonebook)... but you can from the Speed Dial memories.  The 1630 gives 10 Speed Dial memories, the 1620 and 1610 give one Speed Dial memory.

Though one ham got the 1600 series phone to dial IP addresses from the Contact list; but only when the phone was also connecting to a SIP/PBX.

Though you can manually dial any and all  IP addresses at any time.

It's only a concern if all your dialing is IP addresses... and not extension numbers through a  PBX/SIP exchange.

I have info here:


Thanks Tim !
Thanks Tim !
When I first got the GXP-1630
When I first got the GXP-1630 one of the hams in our mesh group made a PBX extension for me and I immediately registered the phone. When I discovered how to dial IPs from the addressbook, I made the post above. Recently, I had reason to set the phone back to factory settings, and discovered the setting I posted above no longer worked for dialing IPs from the addressbook... until I reregistered the phone on the PBX.

So it's still worth buying the 1630 for its exrra SpeedDial buttons on the side, if you aren't going to have a PBX. That said, I may try to set up a PBX on a Raspberry Pi. I'm already using one as a NTP time server and for HTTP distribution of a 16xx addressbook.
N8NQH's picture
Although most of you already

Although most of you already know, I added instructions on how to edit the Caller ID info sent out when making a call:

scroll down to: Name your Phone for the Caller ID that's sent out

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