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Grandstream Video Phones

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N8NQH's picture
Grandstream Video Phones

Appears there are quite a few Meshies using them.  Since they can do sooooo much, it's time for a general discussion thread on their use.  The functionality  appears to be split among two areas; hardware (Grandstream) specific... and Android specifics.

I just added an advanced hints page on my website:

along with the general operation/setup page:

Let's start a central discussion place here for all to contribute to.
There's quite a few things I haven't tried, like conference calling via  address. 


K5DLQ's picture
Thanks for leading the
Thanks for leading the efforts on these devices.  They look very useful
N8NQH's picture
found out that...
found out that leaving the HDMI cable plugged into these video-phones will mute the main speaker (Speaker-phone speaker).  Our group has a 3240 at the DARA clubhouse, and the clubhouse has a nice projector system; we demonstrate surfing mesh and making phone calls with the phone connected to this  projector TV (via HDMI cable). 

If the phone receives a call, the ringing audio is re-routed from the phones speaker to the HDMI port if the phone is connected to a display device via HDMI.  Apparently the projector there still has some signal present on its HDMI ports... even with the projector is not powered up; as the main audio was being re-routed  away from the phone even though the projector was not running.

The fooler to me was that when picking up the handset... everything worked through it regardless whether the HDMI cable was connected or not.

We're now going to try and remember to unplug the HDMI cable from the phone when not doing a presentation with it.
K5DLQ's picture
Is there a setting to select
Is there a setting to select the speaker/hdmi audio?
N8NQH's picture
it didn't even dawn on me to

it didn't even dawn on me to look for these types of settings.

On page 172-175 of the users manual, found  instructions on how to set the HDMI output resolution and audio steering.

In LCD Settings->Sound, there is an audio channel setting "HDMI". If it switched on, the audio channel will be use the HDMI device. Otherwise, the audio channel will be used locally.

k1ky's picture
Grandstream GXV3240/3275 "remote" dialing feature
I discovered that you can log into a GXV3240/3275 admin page and have it dial another phone over the MESH!  Probably a similar feature in other phones.  There is a similar ICON on a 1630, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Maybe a future feature.
Once you log into the phone with your browser, there is a picture of a phone under the EXIT / Language area in the upper righthand corner.  Just click on the phone icon and you can dial any number, PBX extension, IP direct, etc.
Pretty cool - now to figure out a practical application for this "feature".  Seems to be in the newer firmware releases. Be sure to keep your phones updated!
N8NQH's picture
now to figure out a practical

now to figure out a practical application for this "feature". 

this type of functionality reminds me of troubleshooting tools. For this one, you could remotely dial-out any IP phone on the network & initiate a call.  Say... a call-back to you... after you made changes to this remote phone and want to do a final test without having to visit the device physically.  I mean, you could change the Caller ID info that's sent out from a phone, then have it call your  Phone to be certain the changes took.

cool find !

k1ky's picture
Practiacl Applications II
Right on Tim! We have used these IP Phones for Public Service Event support. We open up a IP Phone connection between the Command Post and the Event Coordinator and just mute the microphones until we need to speak from each end.  These connections have been very reliable - even if we reboot a node, the connection stays "hooked up" upon return of the MESH path - so far we have experienced a 13 hour connection during an event..  Should something go wrong with the connection and it is "dropped", this feature could be used to have the phone on the far end call back to establish another connection without intervention on the far end.
N8NQH's picture
I will be adding some more hints soon; but just ran across this:

sure is tempting (but would have to hide them from wifey... :) )  You don't see many used on eBay; mainly IMO because the 3240 and 3275 are current models... haven't been out in the field all that long.

I absolutely love the 3275 and its larger screen.  I can surf mesh without resorting to pinch & zoom, and the HDMI output is even more crisp & clear than the 3240 (which may be difficult to believe- as the 3240 HDMI output is decent).
N8NQH's picture
is all on this page
Was about to post some 3240/3275 tricks and found this Grandstream web page that had them... and more:

N0MRZ's picture
Restore Difficulties
  Just purchased a 3240. Downloaded your config file, but when I go to try and restore I get an error message that says I can't restore for a different phone. Any ideas?

Scott - NØMRZ
N8NQH's picture
Scott, I've ran into that as

Scott, I've ran into that as well.  Seems the  backup file might be married to the phone that initially  created it... or might be   firmware version sensitive.

There is a way to do a partial restore; sometimes that works.  Go into the Backup app, select a current backup file, then only check the "third party apps" , see if it will restore just them.  Sometimes you need to click on the "third party apps" text to expand the list... and check only specific apps to restore.

Then try to restore again, click on "System Apps" only (I don't mean click the checkbox, but the name/text itself) and it should show a list of all backed up items individually.  You can select individual ones to restore... the backup/restore routine may allow some of this.
The main ones are "Desktop Settings", and "Config"; might try to restore them individually.

Once you get your Grandstream phone where you want it, then do a complete backup.  It's about 100mb for my 3275.  The backup file can be created in the phones internal memory.... or to a USB thumb drive.  The restore function defaults to looking internally... but you can tell it to look on a USB thumb drive for the file to restore.

Worse case scenario is not all that bad, the Grandstream 1600 and gxv3200 series phones work on mesh right out of the box; you can place and receive IP dialed calls with no configuration changes.  From there you can change "account 1" settings to connect to someones mesh PBX; IP dialed/received calls still work along with PBX operation.


N0MRZ's picture
SD Card Not Accessible

Another issue is that when I select the backup address, the only option is SD Card, it does not have the EXTSD option. However, It does show on the screen that there is an SD card in the slot.Restore is also not an option. Backup is the only option given. I unzipped your files and then copied them over to the SD card. Would it work to try copying them to the USB stick and try from there to see if it will recognize the restore files from there?

N0MRZ's picture
Ah Hah!
I saw the restore file on the USB memory stick and allowed me to restore just the config and desktop settings. I am up and running. Thank you

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