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Got an Airrouter to test the RX/TX of my Bullet and to access nodes

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wa2ise's picture
Got an Airrouter to test the RX/TX of my Bullet and to access nodes

Found a way to access nodes via tunnel and over the air on channel -2.  Using a flashed AirRouter.  I kept the tunnel on the Bullet, so other hams can connect directly to the nodes on the tunnel. 
Followed the directions under the software tab, and I ran the AirOS test, and needed to downgrade it to get "GOOD/GOOD".  And flashed Aredn on it, and got it working.  The AirRouter I have has an internal antenna, but I'm not expecting it to be the main RX/TX of my station, that's the Bullet's job with the 15dB or so antenna and 600mW power.   I named the AirRouter "WA2ISE-QTH" and the Bullet is "WA2ISE-OradellNJ002". 

I odered a Netgear GS105E and when it arrives I'll be able to connect to its LANs normally. 

I'll take the Linksys BBHN nodes on Aredn out of service. 

K6AH's picture
To avoid confusion for people
To avoid confusion for people who read this... There are no AREDN Linksys nodes.  I'm sure you meant BBHN Linksys nodes.


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