Last night I upgraded my AR-150 to firmware 1307 from, I believe, firmware 1234. Now for the life of me, I can not get it to pull a WAN IP. I can connect to it just fine from the LAN side, but not when connected my main router that supplies the WAN IP. It worked until I did the upgrade. I would revert it back to the previous (working firmware), but can't find the copy that I originally downloaded. Thoughts/suggestions? A link to previous firmware?
As of 02/12/20 nightly build 1326-c0bac78 , i am not able to get a tunnel client activated with the proper credentials on my newest Gl-Inet AR-150.
My first AR-150 is running 1101-ad0aaf-gl-150 with no issues. Running the newest nightly build will not allow me to downgrade to and older version or a factory .bin file.
need a support data file, link at bottom of admin page to look over. Otherwise, little hope of discovering what the issue is.
joe AE6XE
Joe, one thing I did discovered is the tunnel client is active only when the mesh rf mode is selected. If I unselect this mode and select the part 15 lan wireless mode, I can no longer get an active tunnel client. This is only happing on my newest GL AR-150 with the lastest nightly build.
Yes it would be pointless to be running a tunnel when your are close enough to be connected via mesh rf.
I like the AR-150 because I can use is as a part 15 gateway while pluged into internet, running a tunnel to have access to all other mesh networks.
It didnt make since to have the tunnel client work while the mesh network is being selected and not the lan part 15 device. Something in the logic when switching between modes got left out preventing the tunnel for working. However with that said, My first AR150 running 1101-ad0caaf, can run a active tunnel client no mater which mode is slected. Maybe this is what was being changed in the update but they got the logic backards. Just my 2 cents.
Mesh RF is disabled, wireless LAN is enabled. WAN port plugged into router, LAN port plugged into a spare computer (for setup purposes). I can connect to the Wireless LAN as well.
I have both support files, do I upload them to this thread, or somewhere else?
Thanks for persisting though to help find these issues. We're in a period of time to ensure we all have confidence in the nightly build to do a release. We just added a notch of confidence :) .
Chuck NC8Q, if this worked for you, it was likely because you had a port connected to your switch. It had a default setting and one port had all the vlans defined, the 2nd port was not configured.
Joe just downloaded and installed your file
The only thing i see wrong was it would not allow me to install a tunnel server. Keeps giving me an error.
As for the tunneling not working, I'm guessing that's because the tunneling software version doesn't match the firmware version.
Thank you for the help! My AR150 is work and the tunnel is connecting again!
NB-1347 is a big success! All is working on the AR-150.