Just had a gl-usb150 delivered from amazon.
Another simple job job to install the AREDN firmware and it’s now attached to a pi zero (non WiFi with USB hat) pushing out a web server :-)
Had to add extra power to get it to run without crashing so the pi/hat combo must not quite push out enough juice to run it.
The great thing was that the pi has a fresh image of rasbian installed and ssh enabled via a text file in the root/boot partition. Powered it up, pinged the dhcp addresses to confirm its IP and connected via ssh. The usb Ethernet worked out of the box and self configured for dhcp.
Hi Jon,
Are you really in Hastings ?? If so please contact Ross, ZL2WRW.
We have an extensive Mesh Network in the Wellington Network and Ross has a tunnel to me.
Yes we are playing with both the GL-AR150 and the GL-USB150.
Gordon ZL2ARN
No back in the U.K. at the moment but it was me that introduced Ross to this :-)
OK Jon,
Enjoy your Summer there. ZL2FY is also over your way and is setting up a tunnel back here to me.
Lets know if you would also like to play with a tunnel.