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GL iNet-AR300m16-EXT Flash Problem

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GL iNet-AR300m16-EXT Flash Problem

I have the above unit and downloaded the software.   When flashing to AREDN Firmware from stock, using the Update procedures, I get the following error "Failed! ERROR: Incorrect firmware format!"

Tried on two different machines, using Stable and Nightly builds.  Any one have a clue how to proceed??  The model appears to be supported, best I can tell.

jb  N4NQY
nc8q's picture
GL iNet-AR300m16-EXT Flash Problem


To be sure, please post the exact .bin file you are uploading and that the md5 checksum matches.

I have an AR300M16-EXT and have loaded and and nearly every Nightly Build inbetween.


So I obviously do not know
So I obviously do not know haw to complete the initial flash.  Could the error be from the sha256sum data.  How is the Chksum used and what is the file the flash is looking for?

The on-line information leads me to believe all I have to do is download the sysupgrade.bin file, go to Update, select the downloaded file and do Update.  That's where things come apart.  I feel like a step was left out.

The file I am trying to upload is:  aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-gl-ar300m-sysupgrade.bin

sha256sums is

ce6a893c9a71ff1fb5150f0cf4cc574d22a6459f102d716151f8da245a4f9768 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-gl-ar300m-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
ce9a843e382e0333612d1d6ecf844f4b5c810613fcf3c85d8a441b5688631d0d *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-gl-ar750-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
4696ca21264d9fcc7a9b4f54033ac23b6bc3eb9f9c6d58baa49668e8e9fb2717 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-gl-usb150-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
2aae7b82417b15ef0369129f4adb328445ac6cd55e949aa385e5258cba160937 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-root.squashfs
4c8c5fd3e8ed3561166818fb54ea6b28f6807509280551869f1706070cbc2ccd *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-uImage-lzma.bin
705bddf8e01d1ef608a7a4774272e858da3698ba7ac7139bdf87aba09072829a *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory.bin
1d275761b90249fe4b282d9a4648fc2cdbebe5f974084ed84ceab09f982476e5 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
26c9cbd635691d32ae2c8f1873e443dd5b2c04202e277d9cea3678ddd8fafb2a *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-lbe-m5-squashfs-factory.bin
a423df32e8b8a235cdd47f0132a7314f7cea304e11e148f48580e5ab3a0941ea *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-lbe-m5-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
9141e0bbc8256db629db2a505c92e27fdba2ba57c77fb6c6b947c8da867a48f1 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-loco-m-xw-squashfs-factory.bin
307261622cb7f2c4b328111302081f7fe42b6738fd2ca242612bf12dfa205eb3 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-loco-m-xw-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
6464c291a6ddde253b0f80dec4bb2f83f22e7d4e257f1e37fc6728512ef806ad *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-nano-m-squashfs-factory.bin
18798145cfa8587d7a37e92938b6e60a246d90bbd0993dfe3b7f08c8a46e7ae2 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-nano-m-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
64a95a3081157abdc8cc07851bb5c2950d23d9de136b39ae59ed5d43000716de *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-rocket-m-squashfs-factory.bin
13bde94f5d79776bf0171b101e7a0fae91c1ae47f3c5d3bbad63adb7a162bbff *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-rocket-m-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
aa606d91f57bda8b8925a7774dfabd79f69d83f4d81373f4b2673b7795946bc1 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-rocket-m-ti-squashfs-factory.bin
515d990485d3863da2431ccb833cee80d1cd46441df3ee44fefc3350127d1e6c *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-rocket-m-ti-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
96eecaf142f9ec5a2f53eaa428853c48d1eb7fc0a32deb8bbe21984b385aed03 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-rocket-m-xw-squashfs-factory.bin
d7a4ae135ee1747d5d076f9136d8415fb89b4fbc55849eb592cb67a42baa31b3 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-rocket-m-xw-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
e5d97993a99d5c9d66ac60beb51067c062f9ae2963f0e34073bde671ce444da4 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-vmlinux-lzma.elf
f841f3103f1604656419307370ae772abdd5c9fc285ea8527612913e97f6fab4 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-vmlinux.bin
b04025535486d9d927f3f3c0be41e2b5ef5e2c92b68026dfd02a11f7a75b20c4 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-vmlinux.elf
aa3d40d04b47963222a301f23ccd80ff2d235a5553cd3e667b753c3e6b0520ac *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic-vmlinux.lzma
62a0fdf8da18af0b3486822d67ac790b9f81702c02e1990f8e08da570f29d749 *aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-generic.manifest
f590e9f1a4779beade9f50e7ef1ff102f963d4d476a06cbfaf64b86b5b79e202 *config.buildinfo
51dde73895e40b8f88d1eebcb958e079bfc446259be8030888345b6754845064 *feeds.buildinfo
c14479621443517c04c53538ac58f39a3752c15638427205e06f6b671ce7226c *version.buildinfo

nc8q's picture
GL iNet-AR300m16-EXT Flash Problem

The file I am trying to upload is: aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-gl-ar300m-sysupgrade.bin

That is a valid file for the AR300M16.
The checksum is used to ensure that your downloaded files is an exact copy of the aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-gl-ar300m-sysupgrade.bin
The (ensurance) action taken is to run a checksum program on your downloaded file.
The md5sum program will return a value.
I ran md5sum on my downloaded copy:
md5sum aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-gl-ar300m-sysupgrade.bin
3af52b0731716544d8daafec41ed6476  aredn-317-232d7bf-ar71xx-gl-ar300m-sysupgrade.bin

The on-line information leads me to believe all I have to do is download the sysupgrade.bin file, go to Update, select the downloaded file and do Update. That's where things come apart. I feel like a step was left out.

The on-line information
Be sure to uncheck the Keep Settings checkbox
, since GL.iNet settings are incompatible with AREDN® firmware.

You omitted this step in your post.

I hope this helps,

The option to uncheck the box
The option to uncheck the box is never presented to me.  I know about the check box but have no opportunity to uncheck it.  I have flashed the iNet devices before and have seen that box

I am also familiar with the purpose of the chksum, but grasping at straws I thought maybe the firmware flash was somehow checking it.  Never had any flash before doit but again, somethings amuck.  I flash router firmware all the time..  I have tried on 2 Windows machines and a Mac with the same results andbaffled.

jb  N4NQY
nc8q's picture
Uncheck 'Keep settings'

Hi, jb:

 I am baffled too.
Withing the last few months, I purchased and loaded AREDN firmware on a GL-iNET-AR750 (Creta),
but I have no recollection of when or where I may have seen an 'uncheck settings' box.
I have GL-iNet devices USB150, AR150, AR300M16-EXT. AR750 (Creta), and MT-300N-V2 (Melon).
The MT-300N (not supported by AREDN) has the GL-iNET firmware.
The GL-iNET-MT-300N-V2's 'Advanced' -> 'System' -> 'Backup / Flash Firmware' page has a 'Keep settings' box.
...attaching images...
I hope this helps,


Image Attachments: 
I am concluding that the
I am concluding that the latest GL-AR300M16 routers do not allow non-GL firmware to be flashed.  The AREDN img must not be compatible with the new boxes.  I really am "bummed out" since I wanted ot get some experience with AREDN.  

Maybe I can swap it for a TP-Link device.

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