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The frequency of the device.

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The frequency of the device.
I'm living in Korea.
In Korea, the 3.5 and 5.7 GHz bands have become not amateur bands due to 5G, and the 2.4 GHz band is only 2.4 to 2.45 GHz.It seems difficult to perform high-speed communication in such a narrow frequency band, but has anyone produced a good alternative or frequency transverter?
(1.2 GHz band has a bandwidth of 40 MHz, followed by 2.4 GHz band is 10 GHz band.)
w6bi's picture
10 GHz
We feel your pain!  The 3 GHz and 5 GHz amateur bands in the U.S are under pressure from the commercial services via the Federal Communications Commission.  So we've started to discuss developing a 10 GHZ transverter and would like to find a microwave designer willing to take on that challenge.

Orv W6BI

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