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FreePBX area code dialing

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FreePBX area code dialing
Running FreePBX on a Dell Wyse 3040  

2 Questions.

Good VOIP provider for outside line?? 

Also for aredn side. Do we need to register our area code some place?? 254

We got it working. This is just info on what we had to do. I spent days figuring this mess out. 
Meshphone.conf ....  We setup 254. So I have called other area codes. Area Code 254 with 2 pbx we couldnt call each other till I put in this info. We have IAX fully set up. Also have it so we don't need to 78 or 254 out anymore. Just the EXT. Mine is 254-1101

To far end
exten => _25410xx,1,Dial(IAX2/${NEIGHBOR}/${EXTEN})
exten => _25410xx,n,GoTo(Utilities,Sorry,1)

To mine
exten => _25411xx,1,Dial(IAX2/${NEIGHBOR}/${EXTEN})
exten => _25411xx,n,GoTo(Utilities,Sorry,1)
There are lots of VOIP
There are lots of VOIP providers out there. Some good, some not so good. One thing you need to be conscience of is if you are allowing dialing into your PBX that some MeshPhone PBXes are connected to radio systems and you don't want to have the potential of having a unlicensed person gaining access to an extension that has a radio interface on it. So think that one through fully before you proceed.

I am just about to bring up a trunk to a PBX, but the PBX will be running the home phone needs and then I will have a trunk that will allow me to pass calls off to the MeshPhone PBX. That will require a secret on the trunk so that it can not be accessed by anyone other than myself or another Ham that I may allow to dial into the system. Again, just food for thought.

As for the rest of your questions, yes, you need to get your PBXes registered in the MeshPhone database. That is currently handled by N2MH, but that may be changing here soon. You also need to have trunks setup to allow your PBXes to dial into the MeshPhone network. I don't have time to go into a lot of the details here at the moment, but tomorrow we can work a lot more to get you going. I just looked at the MeshPhone database and there are 4 PBXes in Texas (one is a partial record and I would discount that one). So the 3 remaining PBXes may be a good candiate for you to get a trunk into. Maybe the one up in Fort Worth would be the best for you. But there are some other things starting to happen in the background that may affect where you should connect, so again more tomorrow.

Feel free to send me email directly at hickey@kinetic-compute dot com. My ARRL forward seems to be having problems to use this address.

Gerard, WTØF
I look forward to it. Im off
I look forward to it. Im off tomorrow so that works. Good information on the unlicensed person. I will set it to an ext that I only have access. Thank you for the information. 
nc8q's picture
Good VOIP provider for outside line?
I use for my 2 AREDN phone patches. $0.85/month+$0.01/minute
I use for my home service. <$8.00/month.
I especially like the Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) intercept with anveo.
Unknown Dial-in CallerIDs do not ring my home phone and
cannot leave a Voice Message unless they press an announced digit.
IOW, 'automated calls' don't ring my home phone and cannot leave a VM.
Calls from family, friends, physician offices, and whitelisted businesses pass through normally and
ring my home phone.

" Also for aredn side. Do we need to register our area code some place?? 254"

+1 with Gerard WT0F.

73, Chuck

Chuck, Thank you for the
Chuck, Thank you for the information and your time.

"I use for my 2 AREDN phone patches. $0.85/month+$0.01/minute"
I will check it out.

"I use for my home service. <$8.00/month."
That has some good features. Stop robo calls is a big plus.

" Also for aredn side. Do we need to register our area code some place?? 254"
Its strange. I can call from his system into mine(His is a 245 as well). I couldn't call his till I put in the 254 to meshphone.conf. We have tunnel set up. I would think it would be open both ways (Im hosting). Ive tested with the firewall on and off. Same results.  Gerard is going above and beyond. I appreciate any help. I will see what he figures out today. 

"+1 with Gerard WT0F."
Totally agree!! 

nc8q's picture
exten => _2541[01]xx,1,Dial(IAX2/${NEIGHBOR}/${EXTEN})
exten => _25410xx,1,Dial(IAX2/${NEIGHBOR}/${EXTEN})
exten => _25411xx,1,Dial(IAX2/${NEIGHBOR}/${EXTEN})

So, can I
exten => _2541[01]xx,1,Dial(IAX2/${NEIGHBOR_WT0F}/${EXTEN})

73, Chuck
No, not yet. There is no
No, not yet. There is no trunk yet.

I am working on some other angles right now that is going to be a number of significant changes to MeshPhone network. Info hopefully in the next couple of days.

Gerard, WT0F
Sounds good.. I will standby.
Sounds good.. I will standby. Thank you

nc8q's picture
Please make hostnames unique


The hostnames of every device connected to the mesh at large must be unique.
It is best practice to prefix your Amateur Radio callsign to the hostname of each of your devices in order to have the best chance of it being unique on the mesh network.

Hi, Dave:

I suggest naming your VoIP phone

gelmce@nc8q-desktop:~$ traceroute meshphone
traceroute to meshphone (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  localnode.local.mesh (  0.565 ms  0.889 ms  0.877 ms
 2  dtdlink.NC8Q-SUPERNODE.local.mesh (  3.365 ms  3.352 ms  3.341 ms
 3  mid9.NC8Q-OHIO (  3.765 ms  3.752 ms  3.740 ms
 4  mid1.N5MXI-STX-SUPERNODE (  76.945 ms  76.932 ms  77.181 ms
 5  dtdlink.N5MXI-hapac-gateway.local.mesh (  77.169 ms  77.156 ms  77.413 ms
 6  mid2.KA5TYW-hAP1 (  135.252 ms  119.474 ms  207.946 ms
 7  mid2.KA5TYW-hAP2 (  470.287 ms  475.375 ms  475.362 ms
 8  MeshPhone.local.mesh (  512.606 ms  512.594 ms  512.890 ms
gelmce@nc8q-desktop:~$  nmap -p5660
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2024-02-26 18:42 EST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.12s latency).

5660/tcp closed unknown

Nmap done: 16 IP addresses (1 host up) scanned in 2.98 seconds
gelmce@nc8q-desktop:~$gelmce@nc8q-desktop:~$ traceroute MeshPhone
traceroute to MeshPhone (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  localnode.local.mesh (  0.560 ms  0.837 ms  0.824 ms
 2  dtdlink.NC8Q-SUPERNODE.local.mesh (  3.348 ms  3.335 ms  3.322 ms
 3  mid9.NC8Q-OHIO (  3.642 ms  3.630 ms  3.937 ms
 4  mid1.N5MXI-STX-SUPERNODE (  73.399 ms  73.766 ms  73.754 ms
 5  dtdlink.N5MXI-hapac-gateway.local.mesh (  73.742 ms  74.009 ms  73.997 ms
 6  mid3.KA5TYW-hAP1 (  120.068 ms  115.021 ms  115.276 ms
 7  mid1.k5ra-hap-fb (  152.936 ms  153.230 ms  176.831 ms
 8  MeshPhone.local.mesh (  182.318 ms  201.154 ms  201.142 ms

73, Chuck

Name change done. Thank you.
Name change done. Thank you. Didn't even think about it. The network is huge. I'll keep that in mind as I add more. 
nc8q's picture
Temporary iax2 trunk
Hi, Dave:

If y'all (2541[01]xx would like a temporary outbound trunk to the global MeshPhone network,
I can try to set up a trunk between us.
This would give those extensions access to outbound calls, but because your extensions
are not yet in the global meshphone.conf file, the rest of the world would not be able to
dial into 2541[01]xx.

We are at or beyond the need for a global dynamic access to meshphone.conf.
A work in progress.

73, Chuck

Chuck, I should be up and
Chuck, I should be up and running. I killed my wysepbx by mistake. I know what I did wrong. Im on my backup and reloading the wysepbx. Everything is running. I just test called to your 1094 echo test. It worked. 254-1101

WT0F got it working. Thank you... Nothing he did caused it to fail. That was all my doing. lol 

nc8q's picture
Failure based learning.
If  you survive, it is a effective learning process.

I built a trunk to help move
I built a trunk to help move Dave along until the MeshPhone database gets updated and give him a way to start playing. Chuck for the time being you will need to update your dialplan to put calls to office codes 25410 and 25411 over the trunk to me.

Gerard, WTØF
nc8q's picture
Trunk dial plan added
exten => _2541[01]xx,1,Dial(IAX2/${NEIGHBOR0}/${EXTEN})
exten => _2541[01]xx,n,GoTo(Utilities,Sorry,1)

Hi, Gerard:
Done and did.
73, Chuck
Im booting my wyse back up
Im booting my wyse back up now and will add it to both in a few. 


Wysepbx fully up and running
Wysepbx fully up and running. Everything installed now. Will backup (Dell image pull) before I do more changes next time. 


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