OK, question. I've got a QRT5 new in the box that has not had anything done to it yet.
I understand that to UPGRADE from previous firmware I have to use the "dangerous upgrade" method to get the new firmware on it. If there is no AREDN firmware on a new QRT5, can I just apply or the RC1 release candidate in the usual method? Or do I still have to do the "dangerous" thing to get the newer firmware to load?
I understand that to UPGRADE from previous firmware I have to use the "dangerous upgrade" method to get the new firmware on it. If there is no AREDN firmware on a new QRT5, can I just apply or the RC1 release candidate in the usual method? Or do I still have to do the "dangerous" thing to get the newer firmware to load?
Hi, Ed:
Then loading AREDN firmware on it is not an UPGRADE, it is
overwriting the Mikrotik operating system with a new operating system.
Please review the Documentation here at this site and especially follow the
suggestions in the
73, Chuck
73, Ed
As of now I have put on a QRT5 that had no AREDN on it previously, worked fine with the normal install procedure.
I have also now applied the dangerous ipk to an existing node with and then updated it to and things went fine.
NEW question
If I have an existing QRT or BaseBox that needs dangerous ... with AREDN firmware already on it ...
Can I start from scratch with either SSH or TinyPXE and do a complete install from the beginning with both files, and not use the dangerous ipk? Power on while holding the reset ... will that make the node behave as if it never saw AREDN firmware before?
Hi, Ed:
For clarity for those reading this thread years from now,
I am repeating the thread/subject-line. ;-)
I am unaware of any 'dangerous ipk'!
When you 'Power on while holding the reset', then after about 20-30 seconds,
a 'boot loader' will run.
The 'boot loader' behaves suchly:
The 'boot loader' does not 'look for, nor care' about
any existing firmware. A firmware install, whether factory/initramfs/bin/..., will
simply overwrite any former existing firmware.
I hope this helps,
Chuck, your answer is what I thought it might be, that this overwrites all firmware. OK, then if I have physical access to the device I can move it all the way to without using the above mentioned package. Doing it this way would mean that safety checks for compatible firmware would remain in place for future firmware upgrades? That would seem to be a much better plan long term.
You mentioned 'dangerous upgrade ipk' again.
I looked for 'dangerousupgrade_0.1_all.ipk' here in the forum and
you are the only one that had mentioned it.
I found it here:
If you have physical access to the device:
It seems to me that you could use the first install procedure to load
and not need to use 'dangerous upgrade'.
Hopefully someone with experience with the QRT5 will post here soon.
73, Chuck