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External Antenna for hAP ac3

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External Antenna for hAP ac3
I'm contemplating putting a switch into a concrete and steel control room I don't have easy access to.  I want to be able to have LAN access from outside the building to be able to manage things from on site but not close to the rack with my switches etc.

I see the hAP ac3 has two sma connectors and removable antennas.  Has anyone put some long coax (25 feet or more) onto a hAP ac3 and put the antenna, or another compatible antenna some length from the switch?  Does the switch have enough tx power and rx sensitivity to be able to work with the losses of a coax cable?  If this doesn't work then I'll have to run a part 15 access point for LAN POE over ethernet to the outside.  Just looking now at my options.

Thanks,  Ed
K6CCC's picture
Yes, you can put external
Yes, you can put external antennas on the hAPac3.  Note that the antenna connectors are Reverse Polarity SMA (also known as RP-SMA).  Feedline loss at 2.4 GHz is very high, and even worse at almost 6 GHz so you are going to loose a lot of signal both directions.  How much will depend on the feedline you use.  However getting the signal out of the bunker may be an improvement despite the feedline loss.  Just understand that the links from there will need to be SHORT.
LMR-400 would be the minimum at 25ft. 1.7dB loss at 2.5Ghz, 2.8dB at 5.8Ghz.  Plus each connector/adapter loss.  Plus two big 1/2" cables, antennas, and the expense of it all.  Just run ethernet outside and be done with it :)
Yeah the losses were what I
Yeah the losses were what I was most worried about, so I posted to see if anyone had any experience doing this.  Thank!  Ed

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