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Error loading mikrotik rotorboard LHG 5HPnd XL with device match failed

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Error loading mikrotik rotorboard LHG 5HPnd XL with device match failed
I just got the "MikroTik LHG XL HP5 (4-pack) Antenna" and when I try to load the Aredn firmware I get the message.
Firmware CANNOT be updated
firmware file is not valid: firmware device match failed

version Hardware Type: ath79/milrotik) mikrotik (roterboard-lhg-5hpnd-xl)

Out of the 4 dishes I got one to load the other 3 give me this message. I have load a lot of these deshes and never had a problem with the Aredn installation guide. Can someone help on getting the mikrotik deshes loaded.
K6CCC's picture
I've had that issue somewhat
I've had that issue somewhat regularly on a LHG 5nD.  On one of them, go to the Advanced Configuration page and about a half dozen items above the bottom is "Dangerous Upgrade..."  Enable that setting and hit save.  then try the upgrade normally.  Betch that works.  then please update my bug report on GitHub:

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