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Enclosures for batteries. controllers etc.

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Enclosures for batteries. controllers etc.

What  types of enclosures for batteries, controllers etc are working out the best for remotely installed mesh nodes.  Has anyone developed a preferred list of products such as metal cases, utility boxes used for sports, electrical PVC boxes with or without fans in hot areas.  I am placeing nodes in southern AZ in the winter and Upper Michigan in the summer (-12 in my garden this am).

Vance - KC8RGO

I use a lot of these at work up on poles, roofs, and towers. U can get all combinations of vented, fans, heated, different power in&outs, mounting options, etc. "BUD Industries" on Amazon also has simple plastic NEMA boxes in a dozen sizes and shapes any of which are limited by your imagination and a hole saw. For significant amounts of batteries, those are likely to be mounted at ground level due to weight then you'll probably want a steel or aluminium enclosure for better security. Google "outdoor battery enclosure" for all sorts.
Thanks, checking them out.  
Thanks, checking them out.

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